Dear John,
If your goal was to increase childhood hunger, this would sadly be a great place to start.
The White House has a proposal to make it harder for poor, working families to receive food assistance. While the details of the change are wonky and bureaucratic, the likely real-world effect is all too real: More hungry kids in America.
ACT NOW: voice your opposition to this ill-considered plan.
John, this is so urgent that we’ve declared today, September 16th, a day of action for hungry children.
So I’m asking you to not only voice your own opposition to this policy, but to forward this urgent message to family, friends and colleagues who share your commitment to ending childhood hunger.
This proposal would cause children to lose the meals they need both in and out of school:
First, working poor families will lose SNAP benefits, which means less food at home. Second, the kids in those families will also lose their eligibility for free school meals. This hunger double whammy comes as concerns about the economy are rising and millions of families are working hard but still struggling to make ends meet. We should be looking for ways to help more kids get the food they need to reach their full potential, but this proposal does the exact opposite.
I know you care, so please take 3 minutes to act and make a big difference for hungry kids.

With thanks,
Lisa Davis Senior Vice President No Kid Hungry