We get a lot of hate mail at Public Citizen.
Here’s just a sampling:
I would feel better if we came to D.C. and wiped out your miserable existence.
Should have guessed you’re a f---ing Jew.
There will be a serious reckoning when you hypocritical, evil bastards are exposed for the criminals you truly are.
You want war? Please tell me where you are.
I hope the Muslims take your f---ing heads.
I know language like that can be unsettling. But I think it’s important to be aware of the vitriol directed at the work you and Public Citizen are doing together.
Of course, we have no intention whatsoever of backing down.
And I’m hoping you can donate today to give us the financial strength we need to continue fighting — and winning — as we stand up to plutocracy and fascism.
Anything you contribute right now will be matched dollar-for-dollar.
Even better, sign up now to be a Monthly Donor (if you haven’t already) and your contribution will be matched dollar-for-dollar every month for one full year!
Thank you for standing with us.
In unity,
- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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