Children aren't getting the care they need. Tell Congress to protect their survival.
Sign my name >>
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In 2020, 23 million children missed out on basic childhood vaccines, the highest number in over a decade. These vaccinations protect children from preventable diseases like polio and measles, which killed millions of people before vaccines were available. We deliver vaccines because they save more than five lives every minute, preventing up to 3 million deaths a year — but the pandemic has disrupted our efforts. Now we need your help to get Congress to help us protect children from preventable deaths.
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UNICEF is taking action by:
- Helping lead COVAX, the effort to vaccinate the world against COVID-19
- Ensuring that countries can safely deliver routine immunization campaigns
- Closing gaps in immunization coverage in vulnerable and hard-to-reach communities
Tell Congress to take action >>
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The COVID-19 pandemic has cost us critical ground that we can’t afford to lose — children’s lives are on the line. Without increased support from Congress, we may not be able to deliver these vaccines and preventable deaths will increase.
Speak out today and tell Congress to prioritize children’s lives and their chances of survival >>
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The future of children depends on our action today,
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UNICEF USA 125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038
(C)2021 U.S. Fund for UNICEF d/b/a UNICEF USA. All rights reserved. All photos (C)UNICEF unless otherwise noted
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