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Wednesday, September 29th, 2021

A Disease Of Modern Civilization Threatens Eradication of All Life on Planet Earth While World Leaders Are Distracted by the Contrived Crises Of the Covid/Great Reset

Bill Sardi

Lying through Their Teeth: Health Officials Know Vaccines Don’t Stop Transmission But Talk About ‘a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’

Vasko Kohlmayer

Towards Peace in Syria and Lebanon

Thierry Meyssan

Trans Ideology Has Taken Over on the Tories’ Watch

Caroline Ffiske

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Gets More Pointless Every Day

Issues & Insights

Australian Police Commissioner Refuses To Enforce Vaccine Passport Mandate

Paul Joseph Watson

Scientists in Drug Companies Say They Do Not Know Long-term Effects

Project Veritas

Natural Health Fakers; Their Scam and Their Fear

Jon Rappoport

The Mainstream Media Are Using Terms Like “Worsening” And “Foreseeable Future” To Describe the Shortages

Michael Snyder

The Emperor Has No Clothes: Covid Math Simply Doesn’t Add Up

Children’s Health Defense

Must Libertarians Be in Favor of Abortion?

Laurence M. Vance

The Names You’ll Never Know

A Blue Kia and a Wall of Carnage on the Washington Mall. Nick Turse


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