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Progress Report

News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.

PPI President Will Marshall:
Progressives' spending proposals are out of step with battleground voters

The House of Representatives is set to vote next week on President Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure bill. At stake is not just a stronger U.S. economy, but whether we still have a functioning democracy. 

In normal times, this bill wouldn’t be controversial. Almost no one disputes the need for a major infusion of public investment in modernizing America’s transportation, water and other common goods that undergird U.S. economic innovation and competitiveness. That’s why the bill breezed through an otherwise polarized Senate on a 60-30 vote in August. 

In the House, however, progressives are threatening to torpedo the bill unless they get a simultaneous vote on a “reconciliation” bill that would spend trillions more on social and climate programs. Critics have assailed this tactic as political hostage-taking, but it’s more like a murder-suicide pact, since progressives want a big infrastructure bill too.

Progressives' spending proposals are out of step with battleground voters
by Will Marshall
for The Hill

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New from the Experts

New report from PPI Director of Social Policy Veronica Goodman: Policymakers Must Take Steps to Ensure the Labor Market Recovery is Inclusive

Veronica Goodman on PPI's Radically Pragmatic Podcast: Talk Policy, featuring Dr. Chandra Childers 
⮕ Radically Pragmatic

Dr. Michael Mandel for the PPI Blog: The Shape of Inflation
PPI Blog

ICYMI -- Dr. Michael Mandel and Dr. Robert Popovian for the PPI Blog: Aiming Drug Pricing Reform at the Right Target 
⮕ PPI Blog
Hot Off the Press

PPI President Will Marshall on Times Radio UK:

"The President went to Europe in June and said ‘America’s back…’ by that he meant America was back in its old relationship with its transatlantic allies--he wanted to build up the alliance, not tear it down like his predecessor.” 

Times Radio UK

PPI's Paul Bledsoe in the Irish Examiner: US and EU pledge 30% cut in methane emissions to limit global heating 

Cutting methane emissions would make a substantial contribution to achieving that goal, said Paul Bledsoe, of the Progressive Policy Institute in Washington DC and a former climate adviser in the Clinton White House. “The EU and Joe Biden deserve real credit – this is the first concrete step on the possible road to success at Cop26.”  

Irish Examiner

PPI's Ben Ritz i
n the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: SALT debate will show whether Democrats really want a progressive tax code 

“The big benefit that taxing at death has over carry-over basis is that more of the revenue comes within the 10 years of the window,” said Ben Ritz, the director of the Progressive Policy Institute’s Center for Funding America’s Future, referencing the 10-year timeline used for tabulating the cost of policy changes.

⮕ St. Louis Post-Dispatch
New on the Pod

On the latest segment of Talk Policy, Director of Social Policy Veronica Goodman sits down with Dr. Chandra Childers, Study Director at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.

Their discussion focuses on the concept of apprenticeships, its benefits for workers, and the historical context on the racial and gender makeup of these job training programs. 


How common is pollution in the United States, and what kind of practical impact does it have?  Economist Claudia Persico joins the podcast to discuss her new report for PPI's Innovation Frontier Project, titled "How Exposure To Pollution Quietly Shapes The American Workforce And Economy."

After listening, check out her recent report from PPI's Innovation Frontier Project.


Don't Miss These PPI Events

The Science of Reading and Closing Literacy Gaps in a Post-COVID World

TOMORROW: As policymakers look to address the inequities exacerbated by COVID, PPI's Reinventing America’s Schools Project is hosting a webinar on creating effective reading recovery programs.

Mark your calendar for 
Wednesday, September 29th at 1:00 PM EST and learn more here!

ICYMI: A Transatlantic Response to the China Challenge
Don't miss PPI's recent event with key U.S. and EU policymakers on how to craft a stronger transatlantic response to China, moderated by PPI President Will Marshall.
Speakers include U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11) and Ami Bera (CA-07), both members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and MEP Reinhard Bütikofer of the Greens-European Free Alliance Party.

Check it out here!
Don't Miss These PPI Reports
Working Toward an Inclusive Labor Market Recovery
New from PPI Director of Social Policy Veronica Goodman:

“We cannot be satisfied with a partial recovery that leaves whole communities behind. This paper offers policymakers at all levels of government evidence-based approaches for creating a more inclusive labor market after the pandemic.”
said Veronica Goodman in "Working Toward an Inclusive Labor Market Recovery"

Don't Miss this IFP Report: Encouraging AI Adoption by U.S. SMEs

AI systems can offer revolutionary new products, increase productivity, raise wages, and expand consumer convenience. But there are open questions about how well the ecosystem of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the United States is prepared to adopt these new technologies.
How can we make sure they diffuse throughout the economy? Read more

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