I'll get straight to the point, John.
We cannot afford to lose any momentum in CA-49. That’s why I’m personally asking you to make a contribution of $3 to Mike before his FEC deadline hits. Could you do that right now?
Every day, Democrats in Congress work tirelessly for the American people. With the help of key Majority makers like Mike, we’ve passed legislation to support working families and businesses during this pandemic. That’s in addition to measures we’ve taken to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, secure benefits for our veterans, and keep our neighborhoods safe from gun violence.
I'll be honest, John, with all their anti-vax enabling, pandemic denialism, and outright attacks on our democracy, I shudder just thinking about what would happen if Republicans retake Congress after the coming midterm.
It’s also difficult to imagine keeping the House blue if we lose Mike’s seat. It’s highly unlikely Congress stays blue if Mike doesn't win his re-election campaign. The Republicans are more motivated than ever to reclaim their lost seats in California, and their mission starts in districts like CA-49.
If you want to make a huge impact in an important race that has broad implications for the direction of this country, a $3 contribution to Mike’s campaign would be a tremendous help. Can you donate today?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
I know you’ve come through for Mike before, and I wouldn’t ask unless I knew I could count on you again today.
Thank you for all that you do.

Nancy Pelosi
Speaker, US House of Representatives