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Leadership Weekly

In this Leadership Weekly, we look at how equity-driven leadership flourished because of—not despite—the pandemic’s halt to conditions that made our lives feel “normal.” Instead of bemoaning the so-called “Great Resignation” as an issue of individual motivation and affective malaise, some industry leaders are welcoming a kind of resignation: resignation from work that makes life unbalanced, exhausting, and only enriching (in every respect) for the few. As Alissa Quart writes in a photo-essay about the rise of worker co-ops during the pandemic, “it’s no wonder that people are drawn to a model that gives them back some power.” In our podcast about the return of Broadway, actor Hiram Delgado lights upon a similar realization: “Why not focus on the work that I actually want to do…instead of just saying yes because this is a gig?” Lastly, we feature two articles from last month about post-pandemic lessons in leadership: the need for lasting radical responsiveness and new partnership models that foreground community and collaboration.

Be Your Own Boss: The Rise of Worker Co-ops, a Photo-Essay

While worker co-ops remain a small portion of the US economy, the pandemic and its aftermath are helping lead to the formation of hundreds of new co-op businesses. Read more…
Finish your fundraising year strong with RallyUp
Create world-class fundraisers in minutes. Include livestreaming and peer-to-peer for ideal year-end fundraising. Free unlimited plan available. No credit card required.
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Tiny Spark Podcast

“Doron JéPaul Mitchell,” Mari Uchida (left); “Ben Cameron,” Dirty Sugar Studios (top right); “Hiram Delgado,” Stan Demidoff (lower right)

Broadway’s Break: A Deep Breath for the Industry?

As Broadway returns, theater professionals share how they dealt with the COVID break, and what improvements they hope will make the theater a more equitable space. Listen and read…
10 Essential Strategies to Increase Revenue Streams
Learn the benefits of adopting emerging trends, such as virtual and hybrid events and how to leverage multiple fundraising activities that will help your organization raise more!
Get your free eGuide now.
Photo by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jakob Owens</a> on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Unsplash</a>

Nonprofits amid COVID: The Fundamental Value of Radical Responsiveness

A food bank and an arts nonprofit may seem to have little in common. But both nonprofits had to respond similarly to COVID-19, leading to unexpected successes and profound changes. Read more…
Understand the Future of Fundraising
Nonprofit fundraising is rapidly evolving. This guide will explain the changes fundraisers and nonprofit leaders need to make now to adapt their strategy for success.
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<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ghenady</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CC BY 2.0</a>, via Wikimedia Commons

Stepping Up: Early Foundation Learnings about Partnerships from COVID-19

In 2020, community foundations were forced to step up their game. To respond effectively required developing some unusual external partnerships. Read more…
Don’t Let The Delta Variant Pause Your Event Fundraising
Join Fundraising Event Experts, Jay Fiske and Ken Kleve, and learn success strategies for right now! Thursday, September 30th, 2021, 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
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