
This is one of the most important weeks for the future of our country. The Democrats are bringing their $3.5T spending bill up to a vote this week, and if they pass it, it will be the equivalent of a political Death Star blowing up our country! 

Let me just put this in perspective... $3.5 Trillion is more than four of FDR’s New Deals, twelve Apollo Programs, or three-and-a-half Vietnam Wars, and it has already gone up to $4.3 Trillion! 

All to accomplish their Radical Socialist agenda at the cost of working families!

I will be fighting every second, every minute, and every day this week to vote against their policies that will destroy America as we know it. But time is running out…and if we want to save our nation from a mass of inflation, taxes, and recession, I need your help. Can I count on you to pitch in today and join my fight to save our country?
The Left is taking aim at all of the values that make America great. They want everyone to be dependent on the Federal government.

This bill is bad on every level. Inflation is out of control and only spiraling further as the bill gets closer to being passed, taxes are expected to rise on as many as 75% of middle-class families next year, and the middle class jobs in our energy sector will be obliterated as Biden pushes AOC’s Green New Deal policies!
Nancy Pelosi – with no debate – wants to pass this $4.3 TRILLION budget complete with green new deal priorities, enough debt to cripple us for generations, and tax hikes that will destroy the middle class!

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne