
Most Senators don’t come from where I do.

I grew up in a twenty-four by thirty-six foot house. I lost three fingers on my left hand in a meat grinding accident. I am and always will be a farmer, just like my folks and my grandparents.

I first ran for office because I didn’t see anyone sticking up for dirt farmers like me. So, I made a promise to always fight for the little guy — and I’m going to keep doing just that.

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Montanans didn’t elect me to the Senate so I could enrich myself or get cozy with special interests. They elected me to fight for them – by expanding access to affordable health care, making desperately needed investments in high speed internet and good-paying jobs, and by taking action against climate change.

Now, we’re on the precipice of passing transformative legislation to deliver on these priorities. With your help, I’ll keep fighting for Montanans in the Senate, and I’ll fight to defend our majority in the Senate so we can keep making good on our promises.

Thanks for chipping in. I’m proud to have you on my team.

– Jon