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CPJ Insider: The crisis in Afghanistan continues

West Asia News Agency via Reuters

(West Asia News Agency via Reuters)

CPJ continues supporting Afghan press

This month’s edition of CPJ Insider follows up on last month’s Q&A with CPJ Emergencies Director Maria Salazar-Ferro. Here, we speak to Lucy Westcott, CPJ’s Emergencies associate, who traveled in September to Qatar to help Afghan journalists we evacuated. Learn more »

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In her “Doha Diary,” CPJ’s Lucy Westcott recounts her meetings with Afghan journalists and her work to ensure they were able to find new homes. 

CPJ’s Emergencies director Maria Salazar Ferro highlights CPJ’s efforts on helping Afghan journalists and describes how there “remains a lot of uncertainty and a lot of fear about what’s to come.”

In a Q&A with CPJ, Saad Mohseni—CEO of the Moby Group, which heads Tolo News—discusses how the Afghan media is playing “an important role in providing people with hope.

Spotlight on Press Freedom: #NotAllHeroesWearCapes

In a book released last year, Forbes’ Jessica Bohrer and her father, Sandy Bohrer, teach children the importance of free speech by likening it to a superpower. 

Your Voice Is Your Superpower” describes how everyone has a superpower: their voice. “It might be hard to listen, when we disagree,” the book says, “but that’s what makes it possible for ALL speech to be free.”

Buy a copy of the book today and teach your child how, by using their voice, they can help people and can change the world.

CPJ in the news

How the US helped, and hampered, the escape of Afghan journalists,” The New York Times

Afghan journalists need US help,” The Wall Street Journal

‘I thought this was the end of my life’: Afghan journalists describe savage beatings by Taliban,” CNN

Violent attacks on Afghan journalists by Taliban prompt growing alarm,” The Guardian

Top Afghan TV network stays on-air despite fear of Taliban,” Dawn

Afghan VOA reporters stuck in Kabul fear they will be forgotten, says colleague who made it out,” NBC


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