Letters to
the Editor
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Confidential: Do Not Forward

LETTER REQUESTS: The Washington Post, Sept. 20, 21


Dave Gorak


It is critically important to respond in a timely fashion to these alerts because interest in news stories, editorials, etc., quickly fades in just a matter of days.

FYI: You don't necessarily need a subscription to read articles targeted by our Letter Requests. Many newspapers allow a limited number of free visits each month to their pages.

To activists primarily concerned about illegal immigration

(1) Please respond to either of these opinio pieces (or both if you so choose) that ran 24 hours apart, "Bidens mixed messaging on immigration brings a surge of Haitian migrants to the Texas border"; "The needs of Haitian immigrants in Del Rio seem to match our own"

The Haitian onslaught in Del Rio is a tragedy that didn't have to happen. The first piece suggests it's the result of President Biden sending a "mixed message," but we disagree because Mr. Biden from the very beginning has made it clear that he was no fan of enforcing our immigration laws and securing our borders. No matter how you slice it, two central facts emerge from this situation: First, we are a sovereign people born with the right to determine who and how many people should be given the privilege - not the right - to legally enter this country, and secondly, the Biden administration needlessly put these Haitians - and our enforcement personnel - in harm's way. Icing on the cake? Most of these Haitians who Biden said would be deported have instead been released to go to whatever part of this country they choose with a "request" that they report to an ICE facility within 60 days. In the end, taxpayers again will be handed a bill to cover the federal government's decades-long refusal to enforce its own immigration laws.


P.S. Don't forget item (7) below!

(2) Guidelines for submitting your letter

Word limit: 200


(3) Insert the following into the subject line, or place the elements of this line in a different order.

Re: Biden's mixed messaging on immigration brings a surge of Haitian migrants to the Texas border, editorial, 9/20; The needs of Haitian immigrants in Del Rio seem to match our own, by Kathleen Parker, The Washington Post, 9/21


(4) Include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers so the publication can get your permission to print your letter.


(5) Please - when appropriate - include in any of your letters to newspapers the "report cards" for your members of Congress provided by NumbersUSA:

Congressional staffers each day go through newspapers looking for references to their bosses; the greater the exposure given to the voting records (good as well as bad) of these legislators the more these individuals will feel our eyes on the back of their necks, watching every move they make.


(6) - This is important - These requests present our writers with an opportunity to address their concerns from their own perspective. We want to emphasize that they are intended for participants in this program, plus a few friends, and not for wide distribution. So, please refrain from cc:ing us on your letters-to-the-editor and from talking about the program in public forums.

(7) Let me know if you get a letter published - anywhere - including the publication's name, the date they printed your letter, and the Internet link to it or the text and title as it appeared.


The letters program - as all the projects of NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you, along with grants from private foundations to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.

Would you consider making a donation? Click on:https://www.numbersusa.com/donate or send your donation to NumbersUSA, 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 240, Arlington, VA 22202; 1-877-885-7733.


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