Dear John

As you know, global heating is destroying lives and livelihoods, and we can’t keep on supporting fossil fuels. So we’re taking on UK fossil fuel financing by challenging Boris Johnson’s government in court – and we need your help with our campaign.

It’s thanks to amazing supporters like you that we can fund the work of our legal team. And earlier this year, our lawyers got the go-ahead to take on the UK government’s dangerous decision to finance a massive gas project off the coastline of Mozambique.

As it stands, the government’s pledged up to $1.15 billion of public money to finance the project. That’s $1.15 billion to support a development that could have the same climate impact as the entire EU aviation sector has each year.

You'll be pleased to hear that this December, our lawyers will argue that the government’s decision didn't properly assess climate impacts or compatibility with the Paris climate agreement. If we win, the case could be a landmark. And no matter what, together we’ll carry on campaigning to end the era of fossil fuels.  

But Friends of the Earth can’t fight fossil fuels without you. Will you become a member by setting up a regular donation to help support our legal team?
Thanks to the support of people like you, last year we celebrated a huge triumph for the planet when the government announced it would stop investing in fossil fuel projects overseas [1]. But it’s still financing this climate-destroying gas project, even though it wouldn't be allowed under the new policy.

Your support would help Friends of the Earth’s lawyers and campaigners to: 
  • Argue in court that financing this gas project does not meet the UK’s commitments to curtail dangerous climate change.
  • Put pressure on decision-makers by showing the public doesn’t want this project to go ahead. 
  • Make sure the UK is sticking to its new policy on fossil fuel funding – no exceptions, no loopholes.
So please, if you can, will you consider supporting us by becoming a member with a regular donation?   
The latest IPCC report made it clear what needs to be done if we want to live in a safe world. We urgently need to reduce emissions. That means pulling the plug on coal, oil, and gas – and doing it now.

Not only would this project wreak climate havoc, it’s also already cost local Mozambican people their lives and livelihoods [2].

Together, we’ve already achieved so much. A win here could be the next in a wave of history-making climate cases, hot on the heels of Friends of the Earth Netherland’s triumph in court over colossal polluter Shell.

And with your support, our future campaigns can go even further in the battle against fossil fuels.

Please do consider becoming a member today, to help us challenge UK fossil fuel financing – and help us fight for the future of our planet.
Thank you so much for everything you’ve done so far.

All the best,

Will Rundle 
Head of Legal, Friends of the Earth

[1] Read the government response: Aligning UK international support for the clean energy transition here
[2] Find out more here.
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