The October 2021 issue of Chronicles, Intellectual Takeout's sister publication, reflects upon the circumstances of the 2020 US presidential election. |
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Grappling with the larger unresolved issues of the electoral integrity — and the unprecedented post-election assaults against any who have questioned the outcome — the October issue of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture reflects upon the deeply suspicious circumstances surrounding the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Turn here for a broad overview of the issues and arguments, and for thoughtful consideration of national next steps…
Honest appraisal of events provides ample evidentiary proof that massive fraud occurred in the runup to and during the 2020 election. Patrick Basham, head of the Democracy Institute (an independent public policy research organization), carefully describes nine different measures with which the claims of fraudulent results can be upheld.
Executive Editor Edward Welsch catalogs the multiplicity of “unexplained” election-related irregularities and reviews the compelling statistical analyses of mathematician and physicist, Dr. Douglas G. Frank, whose findings — presented in detail at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Summit in August 2021 — suggest an aberrant commonality between state-by-state election tallies when compared to the most recent national census data.
Emile Doak of the American Ideas Institute acknowledges the public perceptions of questionable election results and outlines a strategy with which to safeguard election integrity going forward.
In his lead editorial for the October issue, Paul Gottfried points out the perfidy of many within the Republican caucus who chose to validate a suspicious election result rather than support consideration that the process might actually have been compromised.
As backdrop to our investigation of electoral irregularities, the October issue presents incisive commentary on America’s failed strategic withdrawal from Afghanistan |
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In “A Tale of Two Withdrawals,” historian Roger D. McGrath traces the arc of events in our disastrous departure from Afghanistan and draws a contrast with harrowing and heroic withdrawal of 20,000 US soldiers from Chosin Reservoir in Korea in December 1950. |
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With his focus turned to a corrosive consequence of America’s influence in Afghanistan, Associate Editor Pedro Gonazalez takes up the story of “The Rape of the Afghan Boys”—showing how our deference to a prevailing practice prevented US overseers from preventing the sexual abuse and rape of prepubescent Afghan boys. |
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