New blog post, resources, and an upcoming event
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As the college admissions process looms large for many high school students, we offer these reminders and resources to parents, educators, and counselors. Please feel free to share them widely.
“The message [our culture] collectively sends to [students] is that if they go to a highly selective college, they have a better shot at a happy life. The research doesn’t back that up.”
Douglas Tsoi, Parent & Faculty Educator
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"What Students Might Not Believe about College Admissions" ([link removed])
By Douglas Tsoi
“Despite the prevalent messaging out there, your choice of college won’t determine your life. This is true despite what you might hear from your peers, parents, teachers, the media, and even your own fears. College is an important step. But it’s not going to make you, and it’s not going to break you. Everything is going to be OK, no matter where you go.”
Don’t miss this insightful new blog post about the college admissions process and how we can reshape the conversations we have with students to lessen the pressure and prioritize the right fit.
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Join Our Upcoming Workshop ([link removed])
OCT 5th at 4pm PT | 7pm ET
Perfect for parents, students, and educators, we explore the research and address common college admissions questions including:
- What is “fit” and why does it matter?
- Are students who attend higher-ranked colleges better off later in life?
- What do college rankings really measure?
Please help us get the word out about this important and timely workshop by sharing with your community. Interested in bringing this workshop to your parent community or PTA? Inquire here ([link removed]) .
LEARN MORE & REGISTER ([link removed])
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Honor Your Family's Values in College Selection
When asked “what are the three most important qualities to your community when looking for a college for your child?” 68% of parents surveyed said their community most valued “ranking in the US News & World Report” and 55% said “whether a college is in the Ivy League.”
However, when asked what the most important qualities in a college were to them, the top answers from parents were academic programs, location, quality of professors, and tuition costs/financial aid.
Many parents perceive that their communities value extrinsic markers like rankings and elite brand names, even if they do not. We urge families to deeply consider what matters to them and not allow external competitive pressures to limit their child's exploration of ‘right fit’ colleges. Engage your children in open discussions about what they want out of their college experience and what criteria are important to them. Remember that success is rarely a straight line and embrace the squiggly paths that most students take on their road to self-discovery.
From Challenge Success Parent Survey ([link removed]) data collected during Fall 2019 - Winter 2020
Visit our Resource page ([link removed]) for everything from our college admissions white paper to advice from Dr. Denise Pope.
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** Challenge Success ([link removed])
partners with schools, families, and communities to embrace a broad definition of success and to implement research-based strategies that promote student well-being and engagement with learning.
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