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The Quad’s perils outweigh its promises

By Sarang Shidore on Sep 27, 2021 01:25 am

But unlike AUKUS, the US-Japan-Australia-India compact has a narrow path to emerge as a constructive actor in Asia.
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House defeats measure to demilitarize the police

By Taylor Giorno on Sep 24, 2021 12:08 pm

The Biden administration should now act to stem the flow of military-grade equipment to local law enforcement.
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Why Colby’s strategy of denial is aggression packaged as ‘management’

By Daniel Larison on Sep 24, 2021 03:26 am

The realist author says we just need to check China's hegemony. But that bag carries too many explosives to be considered responsible.
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Biden bends to the nuclear bureaucracy

By Joe Cirincione on Sep 23, 2021 04:38 pm

A top-level Pentagon official has reportedly been dismissed for the crime of being skeptical about our nuclear weapons policies.
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London arms expo protest sign of anti-militarism sentiment in Europe

By David Saveliev on Sep 23, 2021 03:00 am

While European leaders promise more defense spending, their people aren’t necessarily on board.
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Biden doesn’t understand the ‘new Cold War’

By Ethan Paul on Sep 22, 2021 09:35 am

The president says he doesn’t want ‘a world divided into rigid blocs’ while at the same time dividing the world into rigid blocs.
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