Thank the progressive lawmakers who will #HoldTheLine

Katie Porter, Pramila Jayapal, and Mondaire Jones are among 23 House progressives committed to #HoldTheLine this Thursday -- voting down a small bill to ensure the full Build Back Better agenda passes.

Chip in $1 each to say THANK YOU to each of the 23 progressives who have publicly committed to #HoldTheLine.

Turn on images to see the #HoldTheLine rally outside the U.S. Capitol.

Moments ago, a key meeting among congressional Dems ended.

It was announced that Thursday is a make-or-break vote for progressives.

Corporate Dems are trying to ram through a smaller bipartisan infrastructure bill so that progressives lose leverage to pass a $3.5 trillion investment in health care, jobs, child care, and fighting climate change -- paid for by taxing billionaires, corporations, and the ultra-wealthy.

23 progressives have publicly committed to #HoldTheLine this Thursday and not back the smaller bill. If they do, progressives keep a strong hand at the negotiating table against Sen. Joe Manchin and we can pass both bills together soon.

They will face pressure to cave.

Can you donate $1 or more to each of these 23 progressives to say THANK YOU for vowing to #HoldTheLine and fight for a bold Build Back Better agenda? Chip in here.

Joe Manchin has made clear that he wants the House to pass the smaller bipartisan infrastructure bill on Thursday so that he holds all the cards on negotiating the bigger bill. But if his prized bipartisan bill must pass together with the big bill, progressives have a much stronger hand.

That's why we must support those who #HoldTheLine.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

P.S. House progressives believe more than 23 members will do the right thing, but here are the 23 members who were bold and publicly promise to #HoldTheLine:

Say THANK YOU to these progressives vowing to #HoldTheLine. Chip in here.







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