
The House was supposed to vote on the infrastructure bill today. But politics got in the way… 


A few weeks ago, Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised moderate Democrats that if they voted on a rule to push through the $3.5 trillion Bernie-Biden Budget Bill—i.e. the budget reconciliation bill that funds every item on their extremist agenda—before taking up the bipartisan Senate-passed infrastructure bill, then she would hold a vote on the infrastructure bill on September 27.

Last week and over the weekend, the various factions of the Democratic Party convened to discuss the game plan for the infrastructure bill + budget reconciliation. It resulted in the delay of the planned vote on infrastructure today… ANOTHER BROKEN PROMISE FROM PELOSI.
The Devil Is in the Details 

Many people have been getting confused between the two bills, because Pelosi and the Left hijacked the infrastructure bill debate to try to ram through the Left’s extremist social welfare and socialist agenda via the largest—$3.5 trillion—spending bill in American history, which they (mis)labeled the “human infrastructure” bill. 

The Democrats then tied the $3.5T bill to the existing infrastructure bill via shady backdoor dealings and legislative maneuvers to make it seem like the two are related, when they are anything BUT.

In reality, the $3.5 trillion behemoth bill has NOTHING to do with infrastructure, and everything to do with a massive expansion of government control and spending on everything from child care to health care to the cars we drive.
State of Play

The far Left members were adamant about Pelosi delaying a vote on the bipartisan Senate-passed infrastructure bill, pushing for a vote on the $3.5T “human infrastructure” (aka the Bernie-Biden Bill or reconciliation bill) first. Others pushed for a combination of the two (unrelated) bills into one. 

As Sen. Cory Booker said, “We see this as one package. The president as recently as last week has said, ‘Look, don't separate this. This is one package that we're looking at.’”
We’ll keep tracking this for you, but we’d really love to know your thoughts on this.

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Andi Bottner