

The cable news cycles have been focused on impeachment for the last few weeks. And while I believe the impeachment proceedings are critical, it can start to feel as though that’s all that has happened in DC this year. And while that’s what the Republicans would want you to think, the reality is that Democrats have accomplished quite a lot in 2019.


As one of my strongest supporters, I wanted to send you a short survey to see what Democratic accomplishment has meant the most to you this year. I’m proud of how hard my colleagues and I have fought for all these issues, but I wanted to check and see if any in particular stand out to you!


SURVEY: What Democratic achievement in 2019 are you most excited about?





Your voice is important, and I want to make sure you have the chance to make it heard. It’s an honor to be fighting on your behalf in Washington -- whether it’s holding Trump accountable or passing bills that will improve the lives of all Americans. Can you help me continue that fight today by chipping in $100, $50, or $25?


As we fight to protect our democracy, your support makes all the difference.



Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velázquez to Congress

Contributions or gifts to Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velázquez to Congress are not tax deductible.

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