Are you familiar with this phenomenon?

Friends -

Are you familiar with this phenomenon?

When a poll shows less than favorable news for our campaign, it’s national news. Non-stop. They show it on the screen and pundits talk gleefully about how the campaign is over.

But when a poll shows us winning in an early state, or like yesterday’s Emerson poll that showed us down 2 nationally to Biden and leading Warren by 4, there’s nary a peep.

It’s the Bernie Blackout.

Now, I am not here to tell you which polls are bad and which ones are good. I am here to tell you that the coverage of the polls seems to correlate well with how good or bad we are doing in them.

I am here to say that we control our own destiny in this race. Not them. Us. And if we keep fighting, if you keep volunteering, if you keep giving what you can when you can, we are going to win. And today I have to ask:

Today is a great day to make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign. Can Bernie count on you to chip in? It would mean a lot to our fight.

We’ll put your contribution right to work after you donate — so when you see us on the air or expanding staff, please know that it would not happen without your continued support. You are our advantage, and why we are going to win.

All my best,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager