10 Things I've Learned About Mississippi Politics
10 Things I've Learned about Mississippi Politics
  1. Most politicians care about only one thing – reelection
  2. Most legislators believe they work for the state agencies not the people
  3.  If you want to move up in the government organization you must be willing to sacrifice core beliefs (or have none)
  4. Politicians and some conservative groups are more concerned with short-term wins than long term changes in the direction of our state
  5. Lobbyist are not the evil most believe, they are exactly what they claim to be – politicians direct anger at lobbyist as a deflection from themselves
  6. There is systemic corruption and greed built into our political system
  7. State agencies are ranked by the amount of money they control which promotes bureaucrats who care only about the size of their budget
  8. Politicians love agency bureaucrats because they make them feel important — agencies keep special list that legislators can get you on that move you to the front of the line
  9. Money is not the motivation for most state politicians, its position and power
  10. Campaign finance reform was a joke played on the people of Mississippi
COVID-19 Bonus Lesson: Politicians only care about the lives that affect them politically
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