John, this coming week could be decisive for the Freedom To Vote Act -- Common Cause’s flagship legislation for fair representation and access to the vote for every American.
We could see the Senate vote on this transformational bill as soon as this week -- so here are three actions I’m asking you to take today to help advance the Freedom To Vote Act:
Join our special activist webinar tonight at 7 p.m. -- we’ll hear from young activists who are working to pass the Freedom to Vote Act why this bill matters to them and how you can get involved! RSVP to join us now >>
Join a phonebanking shift this week -- we’re making calls to voters in key states like West Virginia and Arizona every night this week, and by joining us for just one two-hour shift, you’ll make a major impact. Every shift starts with a simple training to get you started. Can you sign up today?
Write to your local paper about how important it is to pass the Freedom To Vote Act over Mitch McConnell’s filibuster. Our simple tool makes it easy to get started -- so please take a few minutes to write your letter today >>
John, our democracy is facing threats like we have not seen in decades -- voter suppression, partisan and racial gerrymandering, even blatant attempts at election sabotage.
The Freedom to Vote Act is the strongest, most comprehensive democracy bill we’ve seen in decades. Passing it would make a MAJOR difference: for our right to vote, for everyday people’s power against big money, for fair redistricting and an end to gerrymandering, and for a government that truly works for every single American.
The only way we’re going to leave a better democracy for the next generation is if people like you and me are willing to do what it takes -- right now -- to make it so. Can I count on you to take one of the actions above to help pass the Freedom To Vote Act this week?
Thanks for all you do,
Izzy Bronstein, National Campaigns Director
and the team at Common Cause