Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

Biden's Border Crisis

Biden's Department of Homeland Security Secretary admitted they released more than 12,000 Haitian illegal immigrants into the U.S. from Del Rio. Not surprisingly, no COVID testing took place. Over 5,000 additional cases are being processed, so this number could become much higher.

Biden continues to ignore the crisis his open border policies have created. While thousands of migrants have reached our border, there are still thousands more on their way, overwhelming countries like Colombia, Panama, and Mexico.

I want Texans to know that the crisis under the bridge was not just a one-time occurrence; there is a mass exodus happening in Latin America right now. In the past, we apprehended illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central American countries like Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, known as the Northern Triangle.

This is no longer the case. We have apprehended more illegal immigrants from Latin American countries and the Caribbean within the last two months than Mexico and the Northern Triangle.

With Biden's open border policies, we can continue to expect influxes like we have never seen before

This is the most disastrous border crisis in decades, yet Biden and his border czar Kamala have yet to go to the border themselves. That isn't leadership.

Our border is overrun with COVID cases, devastating living conditions, illicit drugs, human traffickers, and more. Our Border Patrol Agents have said they feel betrayed by Biden and are overwhelmed. We cannot allow this to continue. I'm committed to standing up for our Border Patrol and stronger borders. Can I count on your support to help me keep fighting? Your contribution of $5-10-25 or more will send a message to Democrats that Texans do not support their open border policies.

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May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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"Whomever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant."
Matthew 20:26 (NLT)

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