News from Representative Allred

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September 27, 2021

Dear Friend,

I was born and raised in North Texas and I was able to live my version of the American dream because of the opportunities North Texas gave me. But sadly too many are unable to live their version of the American Dream, making it harder and harder for middle class families to succeed. 

Congress is considering the Build Back Better Act which has several components that are critical to helping families right here in North Texas. And I wanted to update you on some of the provisions I am working on so I made a video you can watch here.

Watch Rep. Allred’s video on the work he’s doing to help North Texas families 
with the Build Back Better Act

From access to paid family leave, to an extension of the Child Tax Credit, universal pre-k for three and four year olds, affordable child care and lowering the cost of prescription drugs, I’m fighting to help North Texas families. I grew up with a single mom who would have benefited greatly from these provisions, and as a father myself, I know the hard work parents put in to provide and care for their families. I want you to know that I will always put the needs of North Texas families first. This is how we build back better.

As always, my team and I are always here to answer your questions and help with any issues you have with federal agencies. If you would like to contact me, please send an email, or call my office at 972-972-7949.

It is an honor to serve North Texas, where I was born and raised.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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