
I never imagined I would have to send this email, but as you might know, I recently tested positive for a breakthrough case of COVID-19.

I’m in good health, and at home following CDC guidelines. But I have to be honest about something: this pandemic has affected everything from schools to businesses and yes, even our campaign.

We’ve had to cancel all of our in-person fundraisers for the rest of the month. It was the right thing to do, and I’m proud of my team’s decision. But this means our FEC fundraising goal is taking a huge hit right before our numbers go public.

To make matters worse, a new poll was just released that shows me neck-and-neck with my GOP opponents. In other words, we really can’t afford to post a weak FEC report.

My team is working overtime right now to rework our strategy and ensure we have the resources necessary to lay the groundwork for victory. And messages like this are more critical than ever to help us reach our FEC goal.

The truth is, we won’t reach our deadline in 4 days unless folks like you step up and chip in to this email. So I’m personally asking:

Will you donate $20 or more right now to be split between my campaign and Seth Moulton? Your contribution before our FEC deadline will ensure we have the resources we need to fight off the GOP’s attacks, break the stalemate in the polls, and flip Ohio’s Senate seat blue.


Thank you for your support today. And I’m grateful to have the protection of a safe and effective vaccine that's kept my case fairly mild. Stay safe everyone,
