Dear Friends,

National Voter Registration Day is tomorrow! We would love for you to join us in expanding the voting base across the country. You can make a difference by amplifying the voices of your community through the ballot box. We invite you to join Chair Jaime Harrison and youth activists across the nation for the DNC National Voting Registration Day Kickoff Event on Tuesday, September 28th! You can sign up for this event here. 

Below, you will also find tools and resources that can ensure that those close to you can exercise their right at the polls in the upcoming elections. Let's make sure that we're registered and ready to turn out in 2022!


Brencia Berry
Director of Coalitions and Community Engagement
Democratic National Committee
National Voter Registration Day Kickoff Event

The DNC is hosting a NVRD Kickoff Event on 9/28! This will be a national virtual voter registration rally highlighting how the DNC is protecting the vote and the importance of proactively verifying your voter registration and election laws ahead of the 2022 midterms. This event will also highlight the important role that Historically Minority Colleges and Universities have played in protecting and expanding the vote for all communities. Chair Jaime Harrison will speak at the event alongside youth activists from all across the country!
Sign Up Here
Friendbanking and

Host a friendbank and ask your friends and family to check their voter registration status. You can find more information on how to host one here!

Don't know your voter registration status? You can check online now at! You can also find your nearest polling locations and more important information about voting.
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