On Thursday, July 29th, a SHARK investigator filmed the wild horse race at the CFD rodeo, in Cheyenne, Wyoming, where terrified horses are often brutalized.
During the event, one horse had a clearly injured leg, possibly broken, yet instead of stopping and giving the horse immediate care, the "cowboy" who rode the horse just forced the animal to keep running the track. The horse eventually collapsed.

Please do not patronize any of the following sponsors of the CFD rodeo: Coca-Cola, Albertsons/Safeway, Grease Monkey, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Dodge and Coors.

Bank of the West has been a long time sponsor of the CFD rodeo, including being a platinum sponsor. It is our pleasure to announce, that after our campaign exposing sponsors of this cruel rodeo, Bank of the West has dropped their sponsorship! Rodeos can’t survive without corporate money, so this was a great turn of events for animals abused and killed by the CFD rodeo!

Back in February, when we heard that Disney+ was moving forward with a movie glorifying cruel rodeos, we formed a coalition, released a video, created a petition and reached out to Disney to stop it. We are very pleased to announced that effort has been a success, and Disney+ has cancelled the project!
The movie, Aloha Rodeo, would have glorified steer roping and the previously mentioned Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo, which has long held the dubious honor of being the world’s most cruel and deadly rodeo.
We want to thank all of our coalition partners and all of you who signed the petition and took action!

Constant pursuit of animal abusers is an absolute must. This is a large part of why SHARK is more productive than other groups. We don't sit in offices - we are in the field. Unfortunately, this costs money for fuel, food, lodging, wear and tear on vehicles and equipment. Travel isn't fun when you're chasing animals abusers. It's not fun at all, but it is vital to make positive change.