School Board asked to resign | Nathan Dahm: NEW DIRECTION | Cancer Cure Published Monday, September 27, 2021 This week at Central Oklahoma Home Builders AT NOON WEDNESDAY Central Oklahoma Home Builders The medical, financial, and real estate partnerships, boards, and directorships of Joe Tippens spans multiple continents. Naming them all would fill a few paragraphs. He attracted our attention because of his personal survival story of beating stage 4 cancer. It was a cancer doctors told him had spread throughout his entire body, including his liver, pancreas, bladder, stomach and bones. In the fall of 2016, he was moving to Zurich, CH to provide leadership to a major private equity firm. Just prior to his departure, he learned he had been diagnosed with small cell lung cancer (SCLC). He cancelled his flight and quickly learned that it had spread throughout his body. Because the medical community had no solution, he used his ingenuity and connections to the research community to find what became a solution that was both effective & inexpensive. To close September with the month's 5th Wednesday, we have asked him to tell us his story. See also My Cancer Story Rocks here. TEN-MINUTE UPDATE: THE HUNT FOR WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE $30 MILLION SCANDAL AT OSDH Our state's open records laws call for a public right of access to government records because the citizens are the ones vested with inherent political power, and there is no right on the part of the government to deny them this power. The United States Constitution begins with the greatest words of any government in the history of the world—"We the people..." We are witnessing right before our very eyes the incomprehensible government overreaches which scream the opposite message of those first three words of the Constitution The open records laws of our state and every other state across our great union, speak a much different message to us. In the United States of America, we are not simply subjects that serve our elites. This understanding is at the core of our purpose in exercising our lawful rights under FOIA and the Open Records Act. As Lincoln so eloquently spoke to those at Gettysburg, and has continued to ring true to the generations that followed, our government is one "of the people, by the people, and for the people." MAJOR POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT Surprises abound. This week, Senator Dahm will be making a major announcement regarding his future in Oklahoma. PREVIEW OF COMING SPEAKERS OUR SEPTEMBER LINE-UP SEE YOU WEDNESDAY! _____________________ MEETING LOCATION Central Oklahoma Home Builders 420 East Britton Road, OKC, OK 73114 WEDNESDAY REGISTRATION ($5) & Lunch (additional $10) at 11:30 A.M. MEETING FROM NOON to 1:15 PM FREE to those 18-years old and under FREE to college students 21-years old and under. $5 entry for all others Table of Contents BOB LINN Freedom Requires Access LAST WEEK: OCPAC Dr. James Lindsay Lucia O'Connor Frank Urbanic Bill Shapard TWO WEEKS AGO: OCPAC Senator Rob Standridge AGENDA School Board asked to resign SAVE OUR JOBS! CALL YOUR LEGISLATORS No Vaccine Mandates! OKGOP OPEN THE BOOKS O.U. researcher finds racist naming harms fish populations HELP WANTED: CINDY BYRD'S REPLACEMENT Call OCPAC to apply LAHMEYER Audit the Vote RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP Renew Today WATCH OAN NEWS OCPAC WAR CHEST Keep us Growing for the Future ________________ Prior Week Entries of Continued Importance ENEMIES WITHIN THE CHURCH Curtis Bowers | Trevor Loudon ________________ ARCHIVES CHINA VIRUS Links to our past COVID-related articles _____________ BOOKS BENHAM BROTHERS ROD DREHER SAMUEL BLUMENFELD ALEX NEWMAN Was this newsletter forwarded by a friend? Sign up to get your own copy here. Sign up here. BOB LINN Freedom Requires Access This Wednesday, Steve Anderson will present the information we are now ready to make public regarding the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH). Steve will make more clear the issues I have addressed over the last several months regarding the OSDH and its very public financial scandal which scammed Oklahoma tax payers out of $30 million dollars a few years ago. Some think it is wrong, mean-spirited, combative, and unfair to demand these records. Actually, the concept of public access to public records was made Federal law more than 50 years ago. All fifty states have matching laws as do fifty other countries around the world. Three men from the Institute of Law and Economics at the University of Hamburg find that open records are vital to a free people. Professors Patrick Brown, Jerg Gutmann, and Stefan Voigt discuss the cultural, political, and economic ties to open records in their March 6, 2014 submission titled Let the Sunshine in: Why Countries Adopt Freedom of Information Acts found here. Open records laws are also called sunshine laws, freedom of information act (FOIA) requests, and the like. Without them, we would not be a free society. Records from public bodies are open because the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma is clear that all political power is inherent in the people. It is the citizens who have the power to shape government for the public good. Our own Oklahoma Supreme Court has said this regarding open records laws: "[t]he Legislature enacted the Open Records Act to assist the people in their oversight of State government and to aid the people in the exercise of their inherent power to alter or reform their government. [T]his Court has said that public access to government files (1) "permits checks against the arbitrary exercise of official power and secrecy in the political process," (2) "gives private citizens the ability to monitor the manner in which public officials discharge their public duties," and (3) "ensures [performance] in an honest, efficient, faithful, and competent manner."" See VANDELAY ENTERTAINMENT, LLC v. FALLIN, 2014 OK 109, 343 P.3d 1273) here. Further, our Constitutional rights under the Oklahoma State Constitution are not separate or distinct from our rights under the Constitution of the United States of America. Our own State Constitution says the following at Article I, Section I: "The State of Oklahoma is an inseparable part of the Federal Union, and the Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land." The Oklahoma statutes (Title 51 Section 24A.2) are clear: "[T]he purpose of this act is to ensure and facilitate the public's right of access to and review of government records so they may efficiently and intelligently exercise their inherent political power. [E]xcept where specific state or federal statutes create a confidential privilege, persons who submit information to public bodies have no right to keep this information from public access nor reasonable expectation that this information will be kept from public access; provided, the person, agency or political subdivision shall at all times bear the burden of establishing such records are protected by such a confidential privilege." Our state's open records laws call for a public right of access to government records because the citizens are the ones vested with inherent political power, and there is no right on the part of the government to deny them this power. The Oklahoma State Legislature meant that genuine political power rests with the citizenry and not with government bureaucrats and officials. The pursuit of government records by any citizen is not un-Christian, harmful, mean-spirited, unfair, wrong or unkind. Our government was not designed to exist in murky shadows, handing down edicts of finality to the citizens, which then must be accepted without question. Our own right of due process is the root and bedrock of the meaning of an open government which cannot be questioned. Our U.S. Constitution states only one ordinance twice—the due process clause at both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. Even the Magna Carta of 1215 contains the promise that government would only act in accordance with legality and that all would receive the ordinary procedures of law. The first step toward a vibrant government is to consider how we will correctly engage it. Without our engagement, we will have no positive influence and will render no benefit to those who will come after us. The solution does not lie in complaining. Our forefathers gave us the tools and they are still at our disposal. We must exercise the intrepid strength of those who handed down this heritage of our great American freedoms. The privilege of our freedom means that we must not fear in exposing misconduct and questioning those who would be smug enough to believe that a title, a building, or the right friends, should allow them to operate under a pretentious, impregnable cover that defies the essence of our liberty. The words Lincoln so eloquently spoke to those at Gettysburg have continued to ring true to generations since. Our government is "of the people, by the people, and for the people." We have work to do. Please join us! LET'S REBUILD THE FOUNDATIONS OF AMERICA I'll see you this Wednesday! God bless! LAST WEEK Dr. Lindsay did more than impress. He provided both the intellectual foundations and the political intentions of those who are driving the Critical Race Theory (CRT) movement across America. He made it clear that CRT is the primary threat to the future of civilization. If there is to be any political freedom in the world today, it is up to American patriots to save their own nation. He spoke of importance of defeating this enemy of mankind. We must eviscerate its presence in our educational institutions at all levels. Pollster Bill Shapard revealed that there is nearly unanimous consent among Republicans that CRT is a destructive concept. Among Democrats, the opinion is split. The significant percentage of Dems who find CRT objectionable is good news for Republican candidates. He revealed a number of other interesting statistics. One of the most fascinating is that Oklahomans find Black Lives Matter (BLM) the most racist organization in existence next to the KKK. Lucia O'Connor was inspiring as she made it clear that Oklahoma has just witnessed a major upgrade in the Attorney General's office. She stayed to sit in on the School Board 4 Kids committee meeting and is lending her enthusiastic support. We will be hearing from the Attorney General himself when John O'Connor speaks at OCPAC's October 13 meeting. 5:00 Minute Mark LUCIA O'CONNOR The Future of the A.G. Office 13:30 Minute Mark FRANK URBANIC CANDIDATE FOR OKC MAYOR 19:00 Minute Mark POLLSTER BILL SHAPARD The Mindset of Oklahomans 30:00 Minute Mark DR. JAMES LINDSAY CRT An Existential Threat We are publishing our videos on Rumble. We will soon be broadcasting on Rumble. Find the meeting here on Rumble. Watch it on Facebook here. ________________ TWO WEEKS AGO SENATOR ROB STANDRIDGE STOP THE CHILD ABUSE There is no more upsetting picture than to see a child wearing a face muzzle. Proven for years to be useless as a protection against viral transfers, face muzzles have become the sign of submission to tyrants by a misinformed public. With the children of Oklahoma City Schools forcibly muzzled, the school administrators are seen breathing freely. As are thousands at our weekend sporting events. The man at the forefront of the middle picture is Sean McDaniel who was seen throughout the OSSBA conference without covering his face with a mask. Yet, the teachers who teach in his schools who have not worn masks have been fired. He has violated the law by forcing a mask mandate. Senator Standridge is one of the foremost members of the Oklahoma Legislature to speak out against one of the more anti-science dictates (masking) we have seen in the wake of the Communist Chinese Party's viral attack. Hudson Mayor & parents call for resignation of Hudson School Board & Teachers PORNOGRAPHY IN HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM Students receive book of inappropriate writing prompts Published: Sep. 14, 2021, 5:17 p.m. Enraged parents are livid that school staff has essentially been distributing child pornography in the classroom. The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports, “Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert and Hudson High School parents are calling for the resignation of school board members and teachers after students in the school’s Liberal Arts II writing class received a book of inappropriate writing prompts.” These are contained in “642 Things to Write About.” “It has come to my attention that your educators are distributing essentially what is child pornography in the classroom. I’ve spoken to a judge this evening and she’s already confirmed that. So I’m going to give you a simple choice: either choose to resign from this board of education or you will be charged,” Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert said during the school board meeting on Monday. Monica Havens, the mother of a high school senior who received the “642 Things to Write About” book, previously worked as a teacher for 11 years, shared some of the prompts from the book at the board meeting, among them: • “Choose how you will die. • Write a scene that begins: ‘It was the first time I killed a man.’ • Describe your favorite part of a man’s body using only verbs. • You have a dream that you’ve murdered someone. Who is it, how and why did the murder happen, and what happens afterward? • You are a serial killer. What TV shows are on your DVR list? Why? • The kill fee. • You are a brand-new suicide-hotline counselor. Describe how you feel during the course of your first call. • Write a letter from the point of view of a drug addict. • Drink a beer. Write about the taste. • Write an X-rated Disney scenario. There were six more that are unprintable in this newsletter. They ask the students to wright pornographic material and provide specific lude activities the youth are to describe. This is a public (government) school in Ohio. Curtis Bowers encourages you to remove your children from these educational Hell-holes. Most of those who teach in these institutions are members of the NEA and their local affiliates. (The OEA in Oklahoma.) The NEA promotes LGBTQ ideology and CRT as do their affiliates. Membership dues are used to support leftist political causes. Find the government school exit plan here. Read the entirety of this week's Agenda here. CALL FOR OCTOBER SPECIAL SESSION STOP VACCINE MANDATES CALL LEGISLATIVE LEADERSHIP CALL YOUR LEGISLATOR CALL THE GOVERNOR Find your Legislator here. CALL THE GOVERNOR 1-405-521-2342 CALL THE LEGISLATORS WHO REPRESENT YOUR CHURCH, SCHOOL, AND WORKPLACE Call your state Representative & Senator. Find them here. Other legislators you influence: Call the state Representative and Senator who represent your place of work, your church, and your child's school. Tell them that you work/ attend church/ go to school in their district and that you talk regularly with your fellow workers/parishioners/parents. Let them know that you and your associates want to see this issue addressed as soon as possible. ______________ CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT IF YOU ARE A HEALTHCARE WORKER Email with the subject line "Lawsuit" and your information will be added to the attorney's portfolio who is filing the lawsuit. IF YOU WANT A RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION Click here. OKLAHOMA REPUBLICAN PARTY CHAIRMAN From the desk of John Bennett Chairman, Oklahoma Republican Party OKGOP Chairman John Bennett Oklahoma Republican Party OKGOP Oklahoma Republican Party · 4031 N Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105, United States CRITICAL RACE THEORY FISH NAMES ARE RACIST by Adam Andrzejejewski August 20, 2021 Researchers have turned to fish for their racism studies. Find the study here. It took $583,652 to determine that calling fish "rough" or "trash" is the product of the dominance of white males in the North American freshwater fishery industry for the past three centuries. These four professors received $583,652 in collective annual salaries. Here is how it breaks down: UC Davis paid the two professors a combined $311,123 in wages (FY2019). The Oklahoma and Wisconsin professors were paid a collective $272,529 (FY2020). All pay records are publicly posted online at and are the latest year available. Over the year-and-a-half this study was done, additional research was done by an unpaid professor emeritus at UC Davis, a UC Davis postdoc researcher, a UC Davis PhD candidate, a researcher from the private University of Notre Dame and researcher with the non-profit Nature Conservancy. The researchers argue that since white males have valued only select types of fish and dominated the management of freshwater fisheries, the native fish faced discrimination. These native fishes, the study says, historically fed Black and Indigenous people of color and immigrants. There is a “bias against ‘rough fish’ — a pejorative ascribing low-to-zero value for countless native fishes,” the study states. “One product of this bias is that biologists have ironically worked against conservation of diverse fishes for over a century, and these problems persist today.” These problems include allowing overfishing of native species, which leads to a decline in their population, the study said. The #WasteOfTheDay is presented by the forensic auditors at STATE AUDITOR 301 Days Still waiting for full compliance Do you know someone interested in running for Oklahoma State Auditor & Inspector? Send suggestions and resumes to: by Bob Linn ________________________________________ OSDH, OPEN RECORDS AND THE SUNSHINE CITIZENS DESERVE The Oklahoma statutes (Title 51 Section 24A.2) are clear: "[T]he purpose of this act is to ensure and facilitate the public's right of access to and review of government records so they may efficiently and intelligently exercise their inherent political power. [E]xcept where specific state or federal statutes create a confidential privilege, persons who submit information to public bodies have no right to keep this information from public access nor reasonable expectation that this information will be kept from public access; provided, the person, agency or political subdivision shall at all times bear the burden of establishing such records are protected by such a confidential privilege." We must all vigorously exercise the rights we possess under the Sunshine Laws of our state. If one of us cannot obtain documentation from a clear request, we should all begin making requests. There are only certain, specific legal reasons why an open record may be denied production under the law. Every valid citizen's request must be honored unless that request falls under a statutory exception. Twenty five specific exceptions (Title 51, Oklahoma statutes) allow for the denial of records: 1. Records protected by a state evidentiary privilege such as the attorney-client privilege; 2. Records of what transpired during meetings of a public body lawfully closed to the public such as executive sessions; 3. Personal information within driver records; 4. Certain information in the files of the Board of Medicolegal Investigations; 5. Test forms, question banks and answer keys developed for state licensure examinations; 6. Some confidential personnel records; 7. Market research conducted by and marketing plans developed by the Oklahoma Medical Center; 8. Some confidential library, archive, or museum materials donated to the public body; 9. Except as otherwise provided by state or local law, the Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma and agency attorneys authorized by law, the Workers’ Compensation Commission, the office of the district attorney of any county of the state, and the office of the municipal attorney of any municipality may keep its litigation files and investigatory reports confidential; 10. Records coming into the possession of a public body from the federal government or records generated or gathered as a result of federal legislation may be kept confidential to the extent required by federal law; 11. Certain personal communications received by a public official from a person exercising rights secured by the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma or the Constitution of the United States; 12. Certain confidential crop and livestock reports; 13. Certain confidential records of public educational institutions; 14. The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education may keep confidential all information pertaining to donors and prospective donors; 15. Certain research information; 16. Certain public utility records; 17. Certain information provided to the department of wildlife conservation for holding a permit or license to the extent the information identifies a person; 18. Office of Juvenile System Oversight may keep its investigatory records and notes; 19. Certain actuarial reports; 20. Certain vulnerability information of state environmental agency or public utilities; 21. Certain matters related to investigations of terrorism; 22. Certain court ordered protected information; 23. Confidential wine shipment reports; 24. Certain multidisciplinary child abuse teams reports; 25. Contact information of persons or entities responsible for emergency contracts. Not one of my requests fall into this basket of twenty-five. SO WHAT DID THE LEGISLATURE MEAN BY OPEN RECORDS? A very helpful attorney friend pointed me to this particular Oklahoma Supreme Court analysis when I asked him about why some office holders may see the law in a different light and what our courts generally do about it: "[t]his Court must abide by the well settled rules of statutory interpretation. Statutes are to be construed to determine the intent of the Legislature, reconciling provisions, rendering them consistent and giving intelligent effect to each. [I]t is also well established that statutes are to be construed according to the plain and ordinary meaning of their language. [W]e also recognize that the fundamental principle of statutory construction is to ascertain and give effect to the intention of the Legislature as expressed in the statute. [T]his Court will not presume the Legislature to have done a vain thing. We are mindful that elementary rules of statutory interpretation require us to avoid any statutory construction which would render any part of a statute superfluous or useless. (STATE v. STICE, 2012 OK CR 14, 288 P.3d 247, 2012) Using this simple explanation by the Oklahoma Supreme Court, our demands to the access of open records by the SA&I, the OSDH, or any other public body, will remain as they have always been. They will continue to grow as we expand our investigation into things that we as citizens have every right to know. There is nothing confusing about what the Open Records Act allows and does not allow, and it was not developed so that a public body could find some novel methodology for skirting around the valid requests of citizens. Suffice it to say, that the Oklahoma Open Records Act also carries specific enforcement measures in the case of a public body's noncompliance. Records from public bodies are open and available to the public because all political power is inherent in the people. My team and I will not back down. We will mobilize a much greater effort to hold our government officials to a level of accountability in which they must acquiesce according to our rights under the law. It is the citizens who have the power to oversee the workings of government We are not subjects that serve our elites. This is at the core of our exercising our obligations to exercise the FOIA and the Open Records Act. The words Lincoln so eloquently spoke at Gettysburg, continue to ring true to the generations that have followed. Our government is a government: of the people, by the people, and for the people. PRESERVE OKLAHOMA'S FUTURE Help us Find an Auditor WANTED An honest, non-partisan Certified Public Accountant with a strong interest in protecting the financial interests of the citizens in their government. Must be knowledgeable about all forms of audits and reviews and willing to apply that knowledge without reservation when carrying out the Constitutional and statutory requirements of the Office. A successful candidate for this opening will strictly adhere to the requirement that any audit or review done by their office must be independent and performed only at the highest level of competency as defined by the Oklahoma Accounting Board’s rules for audit and review. They must be willing without caveat to meet this obligation of the Office of the State Auditor and Inspector and not use the Office to pursue partisan objectives and/or to protect any elected official, state employee, company and/or individual. The candidate will be prepared to eliminate even the appearance of bias or lack of independence by contracting to independent qualified third-party private sector firms when auditing or performing a review for or upon any state agency including those representing elected positions. LET'S PUT INTEGRITY BACK INTO OUR INSTITUTIONS Send suggestions and resumes to: _________________________ On January 27, 2021, Steve Anderson made his first presentation at OCPAC regarding the situation at the Oklahoma Department of Health . Watch January's OCPAC meeting video here. Steve begins speaking at just past the 7 minute mark Review every session here. Lack of transparency in government is a grave concern to all taxpayers. I will keep you updated. September will be a HUGE month in Tulsa 🇺🇸 2 remaining incredible events YOU need to join us! 🔸Sep 27 - Faith & Freedom Banquet with Pastor Greg Locke & Pastor Mark Burns at the Renaissance Hotel. 3 course meal included. 6pm. Get your tickets here: [link removed] 🔸Sep 30 - #LahmeyerForSenate Rally w/Sebastian Gorka & other Trump allies at the Stoney Creek Event Center. 6pm. Request your tickets at: TIME TO RENEW OCPAC MEMBERSHIPS If you are on a monthly draft, you are fine. However, all others will need to renew. Not already a member? Join the fight! Sign up here! Renew your membership here. In addition to a number of great programs on FOX ... OAN joins the effort to promote truth in news broadcasting. Newsmax is a great source for truth in broadcasting. Actual journalism is being resurrected here. OAN has been a news source that is not sold out to leftist ideology. One America News Network is owned by Herring Networks, Inc. Herring Networks, Inc. is a family-owned and operated, independent media company focused on providing high quality national television programming to consumers via its national cable networks. The for-profit company was established in 2004 and has its primary production operations in California and Washington, DC. You can find One America News Network on the national providers: AT&T U-verse – 208 (SD) and 1208 (HD) CenturyLink PRISM – 208 (SD) and 1208 (HD) DirecTV – 347 GCI – 64 (SD) and 703 (HD) Verizon FiOS – 116 (SD) and 616 (HD) Find OAN on Oklahoma network: Cherokee Telephone on Ch. 244 (SD) and 306 (HD) Find OAN here. Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest. KEEP US GROWING FOR THE FUTURE 100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed. Mail Checks to: OCPAC P.O. Box 2021 Edmond, OK 73083 DONATE HERE God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma! PRIOR WEEK ENTRIES of Continued Importance ENEMIES WITHIN THE CHURCH By Bob Linn Pastor Cary Gordon narrates this soon-to-be-released film exposing the Marxist infiltration into America's churches, seminaries, and Christian missionary movements. Those involved in the film include Trevor Loudon and Curtis Bowers. This film exposes shocking developments throughout the entire breadth of 21st century Christendom. Protestants, Catholics, and the Orthodox church have been infiltrated. Our beloved evangelistic organizations have seen wolves in sheep's clothing rise to the very top. The head of the Russian Orthodox church is a KGB agent. The Pope is a Marxist. The evangelical church has been deeply penetrated. That penetration goes to the very top of institutions we thought were rock solid. This includes the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the Southern Baptist Church, the former Campus Crusade for Christ (now, CRU), and many others. The evidence is iron clad. I was on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ and worked with founder and President, Dr. Bill Bright. Sadly, I have been made aware that Marxist concepts have become pervasive at their national conferences over the past few years. It is both clear and stunning. Marxist language is now a part of their programs on campuses throughout the nation. I've also spent many years in the Southern Baptist Church. In addition, my wife and I founded a PCA church in our living room many years ago. In spite of my close relationship with all these institutions, the evidence of their fall from Godliness is overwhelming. In the near future, I plan to focus on the developments within the organization I once knew as Campus Crusade for Christ. It is important to expose these enemies who have crept into Christendom. These have entered our Christian institutions in an effort to destroy the Church. The "gospel" they promote will bear no fruit. Marxist ideology mixed with Bible verses will produce neither salvation nor the health, peace, and prosperity of civilizations. Marxist concepts like social justice, critical race theory and the myths inherent in the concept of "white privilege" are ungodly, contrary to all of the Scriptures, and represent evil and destructive weapons designed to destroy the church, the family, and societies. They are drenched in narcissism and hatred. These ideas, now permeating most of our seminaries and academic institutions (beginning in elementary school), will soon destroy the nation if we do not expose them for the evil they represent. PLEASE HELP US FINISH THIS PROJECT BY CONTRIBUTING HERE. $40,000 is needed to complete the film. Consider the opportunity prayerfully. Thanks! Watch the Trailer here. ARCHIVES ... COVID CONTINUING IN THE NEWS FOR YOUR INFORMATION AS THE LEFTIST MEDIA CONTINUES TO POUND AWAY AT A DEBUNKED THEORY To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues: Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020 Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020 History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020 China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020 Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020 California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020 The clear politics of COVID May 18, 2020 Dr. Jeff Barke: Government and COVID May 25, 2020 “Never Again!” __________________ Get the OCPAC email sent to your inbox every Monday Sign up here. BENHAM BROTHERS Books Order these well-received books written by the Benham Brothers today! Living Among Lions Whatever the Cost Bold and Broken ___________________ BOOK OF THE MONTH Live Not by Lies Rod Dreher This is the book Charlie recommends. Buy it from Christian Books here. Buy it from Amazon here. __________________ Other Books Recommended Order Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman. Order Samuel Blumenfeld’s original text, NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education. OCPAC | P.O. Box 2021, Edmond, OK 73083 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by powered by Try email marketing for free today!