John, this week brings a critical deadline for Mandela Barnes' U.S. Senate campaign to publicly report how many people have donated to his campaign. Political insiders will study this closely as he faces several self-funding millionaires. They need to see that the grassroots is engaged. Can you make a donation to Mandela Barnes' campaign today? -- The PCCC Team

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mandela Barnes
Date: Sun, Sep 26, 2021
Subject: Sincerely asking you to chip in $3 before we are legally required to report our fundraising numbers

We'll get right to the point:

The week ahead is going to be the most important week of the campaign so far.

After the FEC deadline on September 30, we are legally required to publicly report how much money we've raised as well as how many contributions our campaign has received.

So we're setting a goal of 2,000 donations during these critical final days before the deadline. There's zero margin for error – that's how many donations we need to reach our goals.

With this FEC fundraising deadline coming up, there's never been a more important time to show you stand with Mandela.

Can you please chip in $3 to Mandela Barnes today? Your contribution will ensure we reach our goal of 2,000 donations. 

When our team reviews our fundraising numbers, we're not just looking at how much money we've raised. We're also closely tracking how many people are donating as well as how many donations we receive.

This FEC deadline is a big deal for our campaign, and it's important that lots of people are chipping in to show there's a whole movement standing with Mandela.

Please make a $3 donation to our campaign today and together we'll reach our goal of 2,000 donations before the FEC deadline. Every donation matters – especially today.

Thank you in advance for adding your contribution today.

-- Team Mandela

Please take a moment to make a donation to Mandela Barnes' campaign. Even $3 will help show political insiders that grassroots progressives are engaged!

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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