The GOP tax scam is making the rich even richer at the expense of working people and their families. Add your name to oppose the GOP's tax cuts for corporations and billionaires.
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When President Trump and the Republicans pushed their tax bill through Congress, they promised tax relief for middle class families. Then, the exact opposite happened: new analysis shows that America's richest 400 families now pay lower overall tax rates than the middle class.
To make matters worse, the GOP's tax law puts a cap on state income tax deductions, an unfair policy that hurts middle class families in states like Illinois and forces them to pay more in taxes.
Working people deserve tax relief, but the GOP's tax law only rewards the wealthiest Americans. It's time for the Senate to right this wrong. Add your name if you agree.
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The Republican tax law works well for the wealthy and well-connected, but working people in Illinois and across the country are getting the short end of the stick. That's why, along with my Senate Democratic colleagues, I introduced the Working Families Tax Relief Act to help provide some much-needed relief for the families who were left behind by the Republican tax scam.
If Republicans truly care about cutting taxes for middle class families, this is their chance to do the right thing and ensure that our tax laws work for everyone, not just corporations and billionaires.
We need people like you adding their voices to win this fight, John. Sign on now to support tax relief for working families rather than the wealthy elite.
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My best,
Dick Durbin
Paid for by Friends of Dick Durbin
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