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Trump Rising

Kurt Schlichter

The Pope Just Called An American TV Network Satanic for Criticizing Him

Larry O'Connor

There Is Nothing Liberals Can’t Ruin

Derek Hunter

Worse Than Slavery (And Other Dumb Things Democrat Say)

Derek Hunter

Vaccine Mandates Are Their Dumbest Move Yet, But They Keep Doubling-Down

Scott Morefield

The English/Biden Translation Guide

Tom Tradup

Police, Fire, Military Being Gutted by Vaccine Mandate: Is This China's Plan to Destroy the USA?

Wayne Allyn Root

A Quick, Compelling Bible Study Vol. 80: Earthquakes, Plague, Drought, Floods, Fire - Oh My God!

Myra Kahn Adams

Conservatives Need to Stop Viciously Attacking Each Other

Rachel Alexander

Gov. Hochul Releases Plan in Case Staffing Shortages Over Vaccine Mandate Hit NY Hospitals Hard

Leah Barkoukis

Nancy Pelosi Has Set a Date for the House to Vote on the Infrastructure Bill

Rebecca Downs

CNN Continues to Warn About the Dangers of Bad Poll Numbers for Biden

Rebecca Downs

There's More Than Meets the Eye to 'Independent' Studies Cited by Terry McAuliffe

Rebecca Downs

Australian PM Defends Strict Lockdown Measures When Asked 'Do you Think Less Liberty is Medically Necessary'

Rebecca Downs

Tapper Presses Mayorkas on Whether an Independent Investigation into CBP Horse Patrol is Possible

Landon Mion

Colorado 303 Creations Web Designer Petitions Supreme Court Over Compelled Speech

Rebecca Downs

Target Taiwan

Jeff Crouere

In the Arizona Audit, Words Matter

Ted Noel

Hispanic Americans Choose Freedom, Not Socialism

Danielle Alvarez

The War on Veterans

David McGrath

This New Peer-Reviewed Article Could Be a Game-Changer

Rob Jenkins

Will the 2020 Summer of Hate Ever End?

Loyd Pettegrew

Abbott Vows to Hire Border Patrol Agents Disciplined by Biden Administration

Landon Mion

First Grader Wears Mask for School Photo: 'My Mom Said to Keep It on All the Time'

Landon Mion

The Lancet Tweet About 'Bodies with Vaginas' Gets Wrecked

Rebecca Downs

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Illinois Teen's Arrest Suggests FOIDs Don't Work | Tom Knighton
David Hogg: Gun Control Will Win Because Gun Owners Are Old And Dying Off | Cam Edwards
Why A Weakened NRA Isn't Leading To Gun Control | Tom Knighton
NC Gun Safety Course Teaching Kids To Handle Firearms | Tom Knighton
Brady Targets Ace Hardware In New Anti-Gun Campaign | Cam Edwards