From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Turning out the labor vote in VA
Date September 26, 2021 11:02 PM
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Turning out the labor vote in VA

Trumka photos posted

Solidarity Center Report:Essential Workers Summit: Building a Just Future for All

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History

[link removed] THIS WEEK'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

[link removed] Coalition to Repeal Right to Work
Fri, September 24, 7pm - 8pm
Coalition of more than 50 organizations who support workers' right to organize.

[link removed] Member-to-Member Lit Drop Walk in VA
Sat, September 25, 9am - 2pm
4536 John Marr Dr, Annandale, VA 22003, USA ([link removed] map)
Due to covid precautions we will gather outdoors and we will not be serving lunch. Individually wrapped breakfast snacks and water will be provided.
Questions Contact Bob Zabel. mailto:[email protected] [email protected] 317-489-2501

Fairfax County NAACP and the Building Trades Unions virtual job fair
Sat, September 25, 12pm - 3pm
Co-sponsored by the Fairfax County NAACP and the Building Trades Unions. Learn how to become a union electrician, plumber, carpenter, painter, HVAC technician, and more. For more information contact mailto:[email protected] [email protected].

NoVA Labor Night at the Washington Spirit
Sun, September 26, pre-game 2:30pm - 5:00pm; game 5pm - 8pm
Segra Field, 42095 Loudoun United Drive, Leesburg, VA ([link removed] map)
Refreshments, music and speeches from labor-endorsed candidates at 3 pm, game at 5 pm.
Come out with your families to support our women's professional soccer team (who are union members!) and our labor-endorsed political candidates.
Union sponsorships available - this is a fundraiser for NoVA Labor.
Contact mailto:[email protected] [email protected] for more information or call 703-627-5510.

Missed this week's Your Rights At Work radio show? [link removed] Catch the podcast here. This week's show: Sneak attack on worker rights; Oreo's OK again; Womxn's Labor Leadership Symposium.

Turning out the labor vote in VA
"Proud to have so many Local 25 members on the ground in Virginia knocking doors for [link removed]]=AZWXgHpPkqnvH_A5TINF94w9sZW38bTuWqOOLbinJUFXZxPXvI31tixORuJXj3_G8IvAOCIaaOintc16-rQtpBIC6yTHnySlyqWs4qIZF9Ew2uh2IShzhm303qHow8wty7ZAcgq83LZJKBI0ueUvi29U-OwdJeHJWGQMS24cVvu13g&__tn__=kK-R Terry McAuliffe and Democrats up and down the ballot," UNITE HERE Local 25 [link removed] posted on Facebook last week. "We need more union jobs, affordable healthcare, and affordable housing in Virginia -- and we know that Gov. McAullife will deliver them once he wins!" NoVA Labor's Member-to-Member Lit Drop Walks continue tomorrow starting at 9a; see Calendar (above) for details.

Trumka photos posted
Photographer Bruce Guthrie has posted his photos of Richard Trumka's last trip to the AFL-CIO on August 14. They're free for non-commercial use with attribution, and if you recognize specific people (or other things) in the pictures which he hasn't labeled, please identify them or fill in any other descriptions you can. Just click the little pencil icon underneath the file name (just above the picture). You can also click here for a slideshow version.

Solidarity Center Report: Essential Workers Summit: Building a Just Future for All
Workers who risked their health to provide essential services during the pandemic joined with actors, global union leaders and policymakers in a first-ever worldwide gathering to share their experiences and demand a response that urgently and effectively protects all people, and especially the most marginalized. "COVID-19 has taught us about the importance of workers in all sectors and recognize that they deserve dignified work and they are important in the world economy," said actor Yalitza Aparicio. "Governments know about this. But, what are they doing about it?" Aparicio was among dozens of speakers during the September 8-10 Essential For Recovery virtual summit who pointed to the need for action to ensure decent wages, rights and social protections like paid sick leave so workers deemed "essential" during the pandemic will not be left behind after the crisis passes. Find out more at [link removed] Solidarity Center.

Today's Labor Quote: Lewis Hine

"Photography can light-up darkness and expose ignorance."


This week's Labor History Today podcast: Rich Trumka on [link removed] "Art is why they remember our struggles." Last week's show: [link removed] Live from The Battle of Blair Mountain!

September 24
Canada declares the Wobblies illegal - 1918

September 25
American photographer Lewis Hine born in Oshkosh, Wisc. - 1874

Two African-American sharecroppers are killed during an ultimately unsuccessful cotton-pickers strike in Lee County, Ark. By the time the strike had been suppressed, 15 African-Americans had died and another six had been imprisoned. A white plantation manager was killed as well - 1891

- David Prosten.

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.

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