Once married, our sexual relationship withered. Unaware that my then-husband was having sex with risky partners, my desire for him remained strong. For a while I continued to hold out hope that we could heal. Despite my keen interest, the frequency I’d enjoyed in my previous relationship disappeared. I was lucky if we were intimate once or twice a month.
When we realized my mom was not going to back down, we decided to put our detective hats on.
He says he’s scared of the pain (this makes me want to scream) and won’t even make an appointment for a consultation.
Sorry, guys, but the truth is, most of us don’t care about your dicks as we move through our day. Most of us would rather you just keep them tucked away. Yes, we might appreciate the services they provide, but we can also get those services from something we buy at Target, so...
"Wish DH could understand how little I actually care about his penis on a daily basis."
"If H walks up to me and flashes is gross, flaccid penis at me while I’m trying to do something I’m gonna punch him in it. How is he this juvenile?"
"DH is so hung up about his very tiny penis that I can’t imagine him ever cheating. I honestly can’t imagine another woman wanting to bother with it."