Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

September 26, 2021 


Envisioning a U.S. Strategy of Restraint in the South China Sea and Beyond
Monday, October 4
7:00-8:00pm Eastern


This summer marked the 5th anniversary of the ruling by a tribunal convened by the U.N. Commission on the Law of the Sea in response to a case submitted by the Philippines against the People’s Republic of China. To note the occasion, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken reiterated the claim that China was “threatening freedom of navigation” and urged Beijing to “reassure the international community that it is committed to the rules-based maritime order.” 

Blinken’s charge raises more questions than it answers: What is the rules-based maritime order? How can the United States best work with countries throughout the Indo-Pacific region to strengthen and improve that order? Is it possible to work with, rather than against, China in bolstering the rules-based maritime order, and if so, how?  A recent report — Promoting Peace and Stability in the Maritime Order Amid China’s Rise — addresses these questions, laying out a strategy to reduce security tensions, enhance crisis management, and build a more inclusive maritime order in the region and beyond. 

Please join a distinguished group of maritime security experts in the Western Pacific for a discussion exploring and debating the analysis and recommendations of this report and offer their own ideas for promoting peace and stability at sea. Panelists include George Washington University's Mike Mochizuki, La Trobe University's Bec Strating, Center for Strategic and International Studies' Gregory Poling, and Brooking's Shuxian Luo. QI's Michael Swaine will moderate the discussion.

Has Making Wars More ‘Humane’ Helped Make Them Endless?
Monday, October 4
10:00-11:00am Eastern


Have efforts to make war more ethical — to ban torture and limit civilian casualties — only shored up the military enterprise and made it sturdier? That is the controversial argument Professor Samuel Moyn makes in his new book Humane. Moyn, a professor at Yale University and Non-Resident Fellow at the Quincy Institute, looks back at a century and a half of passionate arguments about the ethics of using force. Humane is the story of how America went off to fight and never came back, and how armed combat was transformed from an imperfect tool for resolving disputes into an integral component of the modern condition. As American wars have become more humane, they have also become endless, he argues.

To discuss his thesis, Moyn will be joined by Princeton's Gary Bass, author of Freedom’s Battle: The Origins of Humanitarian Intervention. Their conversation will be moderated by QI's Kelley Beaucar Vlahos.


China and the Persian Gulf in the Aftermath of a U.S. Withdrawal

By Steven Simon, Senior Research Analyst
Quincy Institute, 9/21/21

The U.S. decision on whether or not to maintain a military presence in the Middle East should not be based on fear of a strategic vacuum that China will fill to America’s disadvantage. 


Drawdown: Improving U.S. and Global Security Through Military Base Closures Abroad

By David Vine, Patterson Deppen, & Leah Bolger
Quincy Institute, 9/20/21

This brief presents the fullest public accounting of U.S. bases and military outposts worldwide, and the financial, political, social, and environmental costs they exact.


Congressional Support Needed for North Korea Policy Success 
By Jessica Lee, Senior Research Fellow
Arms Control Today, 9/22/21

Congress plays a critical role in determining the Biden administration’s ability to execute an effective North Korea strategy.


Paying the Price for Obama’s Drone War
By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Editorial Director
The Spectator, 9/20/21

The U.S. strike that killed 10 civilians in Kabul was hardly a unique event.


House Passes Measure Ending U.S. Support for Saudi War on Yemen
By Annelle Sheline, Research Fellow
Responsible Statecraft, 9/23/21

Rep. Ro Khanna has once again pushed through an important amendment on Yemen, but will other forces collude to kill it?


Middle East Cooperation Appears to be Breaking Out — the Untold Story
By Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
Responsible Statecraft, 9/20/21

As the United States steps back militarily, regional states forever at each other’s throats are now quietly stepping forward diplomatically.



Noam Chomsky on the Cruelty of American Imperialism by Noam Chomsky/ Cited: Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, The Economist, 9/24/21

Study Finds Anti-Asian Bias in Economic Espionage Cases by Research Associate Ethan Paul & Syrus Jin, Responsible Statecraft, 9/24/21

Biden Bends to the Nuclear Bureaucracy by Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joe Cirincione, Responsible Statecraft, 9/23/21

Europeans See U.S. Engaged in New Cold War But Want No Part of It by Contributing Editor Jim Lobe, Responsible Statecraft, 9/23/21

London Arms Expo Protest Sign of Anti-Militarism Sentiment in Europe by Editorial Intern David Saveliev, Responsible Statecraft, 9/23/21

Biden Doesn’t Understand the ‘New Cold War’ by Research Associate Ethan Paul, Responsible Statecraft, 9/22/21

Don’t Forget About Yemen by Daniel Larison/ Quoted: Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Antiwar.com, 9/22/21

Congress Wants to Put Even More Troops in Russia’s Backyard by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 9/21/21

An Opportunity to Energize Multinational Diplomacy on Syria by Non-Resident Fellow George Lopez & Hrair Balian, Responsible Statecraft, 9/21/21

WEBCAST: After Afghanistan, Does the U.S. Need Bases In the Middle East At All? Featuring Eugene Gholz, Kirsten Fontenrose, & Trita Parsi, Quincy Institute, 9/21/21

The Forever War Continues by President Andrew Bacevich, Commonweal, 9/20/21

Groups Push Lawmakers to Use Defense Bill to End Support for Saudis in Yemen Civil War by Rebecca Kheel/ Quoted: Advocacy Director Marcus Stanley, The Hill, 9/20/21

Biden Doubles Down on China Confrontation With AUKUS Nuke Sub Deal by Research Associate Ethan Paul, Responsible Statecraft, 9/18/21

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After the Apocalypse.

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