As we wrap the summer, I know there is a lot on your mind. There has been so much going on. It is at times like these when I want to hear from you the most. I want to make sure that we continue to advocate for the things that matter to you so that I can carry your voice with me to Washington.

John – As we wrap the summer, I know there is a lot on your mind. There has been so much going on.

It is at times like these when I want to hear from you the most. I want to make sure that we continue to advocate for the things that matter to you so that I can carry your voice with me to Washington.

Can you take our one-click survey to let us know what issues are top of mind as we head into the fall?

Climate Justice
Common-Sense Gun Safety
COVID-19 Recovery
Immigrant Rights
Jobs and Infrastructure
Racial Justice
Reproductive Rights
Voting Rights
Something else? Let us know!

It’s important that we hear from the community to help me prioritize issues as my colleagues and I champion groundbreaking legislation to continue the pandemic recovery, shore up voting rights for all Americans, and build back better.

Let me know your thoughts, or reply directly to this email to share your opinion!

Thank you for sharing.

– Jahana



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Paid for by Friends of Jahana Hayes

Friends of Jahana Hayes
P.O. Box 1487
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