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Hi John,

Thank you to everyone who took part in our ‘Corporate Courts vs The Climate’ day of action last Saturday - whether online or on the street, you all helped to make it an inspiring day.

Fossil fuel companies are using the Energy Charter Treaty and other corporate courts to demand $18bn from governments over climate action. There’s a real threat that they will succeed in suing governments into a state of climate paralysis. 

We know the danger, but we also know it is a system that thrives on secrecy. When people learn about what is going on, they are up in arms and the system is indefensible. And through our day of action, together we were able to reach many thousands more people and build our campaign. So thank you!

What happened

In London, a ‘corporate court circus’ rolled into town for a walking tour that highlighted the cases of Uniper and RWE, who are both suing the Dutch government over phasing out coal power, and Ascent Resources who is suing Slovenia for requiring an environmental impact assessment on fracking plans.
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Many of you took action online, and up and down the country, groups held stalls and protests:
In Ayrshire
In Edinburgh
In Reading

We wrapped the day up with a webinar, hearing from speakers from Bolivia, Argentina and Italy. If you weren’t able to make it, you can catch up with the webinar recording:
Watch the webinar

What’s next

Our day of action was part of a wider European month of action. There have been protests in Germany and Austria, our allies in the Netherlands will be staging a stunt in front of one of the coal power stations involved in the ISDS case and more things are planned in Slovenia, Brussels, France and Spain.

Protests in Berlin and Vienna

All of us are calling on our governments to exit the Energy Charter Treaty before COP26, and we’ll be keeping up the pressure on that all the way up to the summit. Do sign the petition if you haven’t already.

During the summit itself, there will be massive protests on Sat 6 Nov in a Day for Climate Justice. Do get involved - there are local hubs for organising all across the country.

Thank you again, for a great day of action.

Jean Blaylock
Trade campaigner at Global Justice Now

Behind closed doors...

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