
We know we’re reaching out to you on a weekend… but we wouldn’t be doing so if it wasn’t of serious importance to America First patriots everywhere.

Our grassroots organization set out on a $20K push this week in order to shatter our fundraising goals for Q3 - and while many of you have stepped up to the plate, we’re still looking at a deficit of exactly $16,945 before this Thursday!

We have a lot of ground to make up, and that’s why we can’t afford to sit on the sidelines on days like today - if you’re ready for an undeniable America First victory, then we need YOU to help us get on track today!
In case you needed a reminder, supporting the Republican Party of Arizona ahead of crucial deadlines like these helps our efforts for Election Integrity and for getting new leadership that won’t greenlight the Democrats’ extreme agenda…

At a time when our state and country are being OVERWHELMED by radical Open Borders policies, we can’t afford to have two Senators who are silent about these nation-breaking immigration schemes!

That’s why goals like this one for Q3 are so important - they are the ticket to taking back leadership here in the Grand Canyon State!

But reaching this one won’t be possible without a serious push TODAY - can we count on you to help us make some major progress RIGHT NOW?
Thank you for the support, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

-AZGOP Finance Team