
Today’s Christian Science Monitor headline: "2020’s Most Determined Underdog".

"'He’s motivated to serve from deep inside... It’s just built into him,' says David Liddy, who as a junior officer willingly worked 100-hour weeks to help Admiral Sestak finish a report on improving the Navy so it could more effectively combat Osama bin Laden and other terrorists."


"[Sestak] thrives on talking to average AmericansAnd he has made a career – a life, even – of challenging seemingly insurmountable odds. His teenage daughter beat brain cancer – twice. He was elected as a Democrat in a 2:1 Republican district, and won again two years later by a landslide. He challenged the Democratic establishment and President Barack Obama after the party endorsed former Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter, running against their wishes and winning the nomination."

The article rightly notes that I "will keep working 18-20 hour days and gain voters, one at a time." 
"I'm going to make a light at the end of the tunnel," says the Admiral, "I have a path that I can see to victory."


But I need your support to now get my message out — please donate to keep my TV ads on the air and continue to build a campaign that can win.

Warmest regards from New Hampshire.


(link to article)



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  Paid for by Joe Sestak for President.

Joe Sestak for President
P.O Box 17246
Alexandria, VA 22302
United States