Polish Populism Is A Better Model For The American Right Than Current Conservatism, Inc. Dogma; Sen. Mike Lee Is No Immigration Patriot, And A Very Bad Choice for U.S. Supreme Court; etc. (60 items, 10/22/2019)


Our most-viewed article this week: James Kirkpatrick calls out insufferably woke Charlize Theron’s hypocrisy regarding her home country—South Africa. This inspired two follow ups- including a letter which recounts the connection between the American Frontier and her great-great-uncle a heroic Boer War commando. Who knew!


Less flagrantly absurd and more concerning is John Derbyshire’s reflection on the NBA’s recent kowtowing to ChiCom. How would the U.S. respond to another “Sputnik Moment?” with China?


In third is Lance Welton’s fascinating analysis of other nut-job (meaning not Greta Thunberg) figurehead of the Extinction Rebellion: Emily Grossman.


Next, an experienced rock-climber confirms Trump’s Wall Prototypes Aren’t Really Climbable. This is a yuuuge relief to those concerned that the wall would not be covered with razor wire, like Israel’s.


Finally, while we never condone book burning, John Derbyshire concludes the American youth may not be doomed after all. They’ve had enough of anti-white white Cuban Jennine Capo Crucet’s moralizing on campus.

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