Dear John --

Right now, your drinking water, wastewater and stormwater services are controlled by your elected council. Your local water assets have been paid for by ratepayers over decades.

Labour’s Three Waters plans would see the Government steal your local water assets and strip control from your community. It would bundle your assets into regional mega-entities and put community control at arm’s length.

National will keep local assets in local control, and we will protect community decision-making.

John, help us stop the asset grab. Sign our petition here.

These new water entities would be ivory towers spread over hundreds of kilometres, made up of a complex smorgasbord of appointees and bureaucrats.

Councils would have token representation, alongside iwi, in appointing decision-makers, ownership rights would be confused and unclear, and water services will no longer be accessible to you, their customers.

On top of that, the touted scale benefits are unrealistic, and communities with good water services will end up subsidising their poorer-performing neighbours. Your water bill might be funding water infrastructure in a totally different region.

National will keep local assets in local control, and we will protect community decision-making. We can’t afford to lose the ‘local’ from local government. New Zealanders must reject this brazen asset grab.

Please sign our petition to stop Labour's Three Waters plans today.



Judith Collins
National Party Leader


Christopher Luxon
Local Government Spokesperson


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