Here are a few highlights from the call:

ICYMI: Watch PCCC's Meet The Candidates video call with Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes -- the U.S. Senate candidate fighting to defeat the worst senator in Congress, Ron Johnson.

Then, join PCCC members across the country who donated to Mandela's campaign (some $3 -- some $300!) to make sure he has a powerful showing for next week's FEC fundraising deadline.

Turn on images to see PCCC's Meet the Candidates call with Mandela Barnes.

Turn on images to see Mandela's tweet thanking the PCCC.

If you missed our first Meet The Candidates call of the 2022 cycle yesterday with Wisconsin U.S. Senate candidate Mandela Barnes -- we've got you covered! 

Watch the recording of 2022 U.S. Senate candidate Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes discussing his campaign with nearly 100 PCCC members -- and answering questions from all across the country.

And, be sure to join the many PCCC members who donated to Mandela's campaign -- some people listening gave $3, some gave $300! -- show high grassroots energy for his 1st FEC fundraising deadline next week. Political insiders will study this as he faces several millionaires who can write their own checks.

Here are a just a few snippets and highlights from what Mandela told PCCC members on the call (with time codes in case you want to skip ahead in the video.)

On his background
[6:00] I'm Mandela Barnes, proudly serving as Lieutenant Governor of the state of Wisconsin and I'll briefly just talk about my background, being born and raised in the city of Milwaukee. I was born in one of the most challenged communities in this entire country, our state's poorest zip code, one of the nation's most incarcerated. But it is that experience that prompted me to run for office in the first place. It's what prompted me to become an organizer, which was my entry point into political office.

On running as a progressive in the Midwest
[6:59] People always say "can you be bold and progressive in the Midwest and win?" I'm here to tell you that's the only way you win. Because folks have been left behind, and it's important for us to be able to make the connections between our urban, rural, and suburban communities.

On a question from PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor about leading on climate change
[9:48] I will lead on climate as a senator, the same way that I led on climate as Lieutenant Governor when I was appointed to serve as the Chair of the Governor's task force on climate change. My very first words when I took the podium was that we're bringing science back, and I'm proud that we've done that. We've brought scientists back into our Department of Natural Resources -- the ones that were routinely purged or pushed into early retirements during the Scott Walker administration....I'm incredibly proud about the task force report that we put out at the end of last year that detailed 55 policy recommendations that span nine different sectors. And I think that one of the most important things is that we lead with opportunity. We lead with environmental justice. We lead with an economic message so that the conversation about climate change will resonate in so many more communities.

On a question from a PCCC member about the best path to achieving universal healthcare
[12:38] Medicare for All is how we achieve universal health care. It's the fastest way for us to get there.

On the PCCC
[5:40] Thank you, PCCC for all the work that you do to highlight progressive candidates that don't always get the light of day, that don't always get the attention that they deserve. Thank you for bringing ideas and bold vision to the forefront. I'm really excited to be a PCCC endorsed candidate, and really excited to be in this race.

Mandela also fielded questions from PCCC members about using tax policy to decrease inequality, eliminating the filibuster, how the U.S. can catch up to other countries in producing green technologies, comprehensive immigration reform, student loan forgiveness, and much more!

Watch the recorded Zoom call here -- it was really great and really fascinating!

And, join the many PCCC members donating to Mandela's campaign so the media and political insiders see tons of energy and momentum for next week's FEC fundraising deadline.

Watch your email for our next Meet The Candidates call -- and thanks for being a bold progressive!

-- Rachel Queirolo, PCCC Development Director








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