
This Tuesday night, Governor Murphy will take the debate stage against his Republican opponent and he will have the opportunity to talk about all the progress our state has made in the last four years with his leadership. From moving towards a $15 minimum wage, to investing in clean energy and creating thousands of union jobs, to increasing school funding and making community college tuition-free, and much more, Governor Murphy has an excellent record to run on and we can’t wait to watch him speak about it on Tuesday.

You can join our NJ Forward Zoom Debate Watch Party to connect with fellow Democrats and cheer on Governor Murphy by registering here. 

Header: Gov. Murphy Update 

Governor Murphy and his team are continuing to provide outstanding leadership when it comes to fighting COVID-19. In addition to further increasing our state’s vaccination rate which is among the highest in the nation, the Governor is also still actively looking at public health measures that will keep us safe. This week, Governor Murphy announced that all childcare facilities will now be subject to mask mandates for staff and children age two and up, and staff will need to be vaccinated or tested weekly. This is another in a long line of public health steps the Governor has taken to protect New Jersey residents and we are proud to support his leadership on this critical issue. 

For more information on the COVID-19 pandemic and how to protect yourself and your family visit the state’s information portal.

Header: President Biden Update



President Biden continues to work with congressional leaders to pass his Build Back Better agenda and our party is fully supportive of the transformational policies that this legislation includes. In addition to investments in our infrastructure, schools, public health, and much more, the plan also calls for a fairer tax code by making the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share and then lowering the tax burden for the middle class. Here in New Jersey we’ve already taken the same approach, with Governor Murphy and Democrats in the state legislature passing a millionaire’s tax as well as a tax rebate program for the middle class, expanded earned income tax credit and more property tax relief through increased school funding. Once again, our state is leading the way and we hope that the nation will follow suit and pass the President’s agenda.

Thank you,

-- Chairman LeRoy J. Jones, Jr.


Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.

New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States

