That's why they're battling us so hard at every turn while we try to promote legislation that would restore election integrity... HAFA_Signature_Logo_RGB_MD_HF.png

Fellow Conservative,

Liberals in Congress want to save our elections about as much as they want to secure our border.

Which is to say... not at all. That's why they're battling us so hard at every turn while we try to promote legislation that would restore election integrity.

They HATE common-sense legislation like voter ID. Biden’s Attorney General—Merrick Garland—is even SUING GEORGIA over it!

But Fellow Conservative, we’re not slowing down. We’re only doubling down because there’s nothing more important than ensuring YOUR vote counts next time you go to the polls. 


There’s no doubt we must restore our faith in Democracy that was lost in 2020.

Our efforts are going to ensure our elections are FAIR and FREE. 

Voting is a sacred right and we're dedicated to real reforms to restore voter confidence in the process.

But we can’t continue full speed ahead without the support of grassroots activists like you. 

Please, chip in today to rise up against the leftist naysayers and SAVE OUR ELECTIONS: 

Thank you for your support,

Jessica Anderson

Executive Director

Heritage Action for America

Heritage Action for America | 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20002
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