This is just a sample of what we’re fighting for.
Ro is one of the strongest champions we have in the fight for climate action. To highlight just a sample of what he’s fighting for…
He’s leading an effort to end $15 billion in federal subsidies for major fossil fuel corporations
He's one of the few voices in Congress demanding real accountability from Big Oil and Gas corporations — from supporting more robust standards for industry emissions to speaking out against corporations who have spent decades spreading climate disinformation.
He’s fighting alongside his fellow progressives in the House in budget negotiations to ensure Democrats deliver on an ambitious climate agenda.
Our grassroots movement needs leaders like Ro fighting for us in Congress and advocating for key climate policies like ending fossil fuel subsidies. Will you pitch in a donation today to support Ro’s leadership and advocacy as he goes head-to-head with powerful fossil fuel corporations?
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Beating the climate crisis is one of the most, if not THE most, important political fights of our lifetimes. That’s why we’re counting on grassroots supporters like you to sustain Ro’s powerful climate advocacy in Congress.
Thank you for being a part of this,
Team Ro