We poured our hearts into making this political moment of passing transformative federal climate legislation possible. Whatever happens, we will make sense of the moment together and chart the path of the movement going forward.

John, Monday is a big day.

Here’s the deal: Monday is Congress’ deadline to decide the fate of a historic spending package including bold investments that finally begin to address the climate crisis. 

A lot of things could happen: We could get a strong, multi-trillion dollar infrastructure bill that brings to reality the first pieces of the Green New Deal dreams we've organized so hard for over the last 5 years. OR we could get some fake fossil fuel-funded bipartisan bullshit that fails to meet the scale of the climate crisis. OR both. OR neither. We don’t know, it’s 2021.

But here’s what we DO know: We poured our hearts into making this political moment possible — a moment where we could pass for the first time ever, transformative federal climate legislation. Whatever happens, we will make sense of the moment together and chart the path of the movement going forward. 

We’re hosting a mass organizing call on Tuesday, September 28 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT to do just that. Can you RSVP right now to join us, John?

RSVP now »

This fight will likely continue for another few weeks — so the more people who join, the better prepared we will be to work together as a movement for the world we know is possible.

See you there,

Varshini, Sunrise