This Issue: Will Democrats ignore Senate Parliamentarian's ruling?

Fri, Sep. 24th

Democrats haven't given up on their effort to grant amnesty to more than 8 million illegal aliens through the budget reconciliation process even after Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough ruled last weekend that it would violate decades-old Senate rules.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) has already submitted at least one alternative amnesty plan to MacDonough, hoping to get her to agree to something. Meanwhile, instead of accepting the Parliamentarian's ruling, the White House said it remained committed to including an amnesty in the budget reconciliation bill.

House Democrats are also urging their Senate counterparts to ignore the Parliamentarian's ruling. House Progressive Caucus Chairwoman Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) reportedly broke down in tears while discussing the issue with Pres. Biden earlier this week.

Should MacDonough reject Durbin's alternative plans as well, Senate Democrats could simply go "nuclear" by ignoring the Parliamentarian's ruling -- or -- fire the Parliamentarian. NumbersUSA's Legal Analyst Jared Culver breaks down how Democrats could bypass the Senate Parliamentarian in his recent blog.


Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced yesterday that they've agreed to a blueprint on how to pay for the ambitious $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill. The House Budget Committee will meet this weekend to begin marking up the blueprint, and Pelosi signaled this afternoon that a House vote on the entire budget reconciliation bill could occur next week.

However, Congress must also pass a spending bill by next Friday to avoid a government shutdown. While the House has already passed an extension for government funding (including $6.3 billion for resettling Afghan refugees), the short-term spending bill is expected to fail in the Senate because it would also raise the debt ceiling.

Additionally, the House will hold a vote next week on the Senate-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill.

Please continue to check your Action Board for messages you can send to your Members of Congress, urging them to reject amnesty and immigration increases from being included in the budget reconciliation bill.