Arise Update

In This Issue...

September 24, 2021


Arise's Dev Wakeley

Arise legislative update: September 24, 2021

Gov. Kay Ivey has called the Legislature back for a special session next week to address Alabama's overcrowded, antiquated prison system. Arise's Dev Wakeley breaks down two good criminal justice reforms that legislators will consider during the session. He also highlights areas where lawmakers' plans miss the mark.


Special session(s) ahead in Alabama? How Arise is preparing

We've been preparing for this special session for a while. Arise's Chris Sanders wrote about our plans a few weeks ago. 

Alabama Daily News: ‘Design-build’ process could see prisons built more quickly

Meaningful criminal justice reform reforms must accompany any plan to build new prisons in Alabama. “There are real, critical underlying issues that our state is facing, and building new prisons isn’t going to solve those issues,” Arise’s Robyn Hyden tells Alabama Daily News. Rental assistance delayed as evictions resume

Thousands of struggling Alabamians face eviction, even as federal rental assistance meant to keep them in their homes remains undistributed. Arise’s Dev Wakeley talks to about the burden placed on working families and explains how we’re working to help improve the process.

Cover Alabama: Veterans and law enforcement letters of support for Medicaid expansion

The Cover Alabama coalition for Medicaid expansion is seeking signatures to letters of support from military veterans and current or former law enforcement. If this is you, please add your name to the list of supporters. Then share this opportunity with your friends and family as well! 

We're hiring a policy and advocacy director

Arise is seeking a policy and advocacy director to ensure our policy research and analysis, advocacy and legislative engagement have the most impact possible. Click below for more information and details on how to apply. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

Join us at our annual meeting this Saturday!

Arise members will gather online this Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to noon to begin charting the course for our work in 2022. Don’t miss your chance to join our movement for a better Alabama! Click below to learn more and register today.

Bills we're watching

Alabama Arise will track legislation related to our members’ interests during the upcoming special session. You can find our Bills of Interest here.


Alabama Arise

P.O. Box 1188, Montgomery, Alabama 36101

(334) 832-9060  ·  [email protected]

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