October 23, 2019
Next year promises to a pivotal year for cannabis policy reform. In addition to the 2020 Presidential election in November, voters will also be deciding that same day on several state-level marijuana policy initiatives. We also anticipate several high-profile legislative battles, and victories, in the State Houses this coming spring.
With many legislatures commencing their 2020 sessions in a matter of weeks, NORML is busy looking ahead and setting our legislative and advocacy priorities. With this in mind, we are seeking guidance regarding how we can more effectively serve our membership. By taking a few minutes and completing the NORML 2019 Member Survey, you will help us better understand how we can more effectively represent your interests in our lobbying, organizing, and educational efforts.

The information collected in this survey is kept confidential and will only be used for NORML’s internal organizational purposes to better improve our programming. Under no circumstances will your information be given, sold, or disclosed to any other individual or organization.
Thank you advance for your time and input, and for your continued support for NORML and our work.
The team at NORML
P.S. Our efforts are supported by thousands of people throughout the country as we work to advance marijuana law reform in all 50 states and the federal level. Can you kick in $5, $10 or $20 a month to help NORML keep fighting to legalize America?