Apparently, not politicizing the pandemic was only an empty campaign platitude for Joe. John, Governor DeSantis SLAMMED Joe Biden this week for his administrations’ efforts to punish Florida and ultimately put lives at risk. WATCH: Joe Biden spent months incessantly attacking Governor DeSantis for promoting the life-saving monoclonal antibody treatments. Now, Joe Biden is doing a 180 and has apparently changed his tune on monoclonal antibodies. So much so that Joe is cutting Florida’s monoclonal shipments BY MORE THAN 50% as a way to target Governor DeSantis because he refuses to bend the knee to their ridiculous edicts. Apparently, not politicizing the pandemic was only an empty campaign platitude for Joe. The federal government purchased the entire supply of these treatments, and the Biden Administration is now “rationing” them in the name of “equity” – despite no shortage in our national supply. This is unacceptable. This treatment is bigger than politics. Governor DeSantis will continue to fight against Biden’s quest for revenge and will find any means necessary to make sure no Floridian is deprived of the life-saving treatment they need. Sincerely, Team DeSantis CHIP IN Sponsored by Friends of Ron DeSantis. Friends of Ron DeSantis | 610 S. Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33606 Unsubscribe
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