
President Biden called on Congress to tax the rich, stop skyrocketing drug prices, and invest in America. But corporate Democrats are sabotaging his agenda. The media likes to call them “centrists.” The truth is, they’re just brazenly corrupt.

From refusing to tax billionaire donors and corporations, to standing in the way of negotiating drug prices, corporate Democrats are putting toxic campaign cash over regular people again and again.

Help us call them out! These Democrats are completely selling out their voters to their big donors. With your help we’ll make sure they get held accountable.

Just last week, we called out Representative Richard Neal for refusing to tax billionaire wealth. Neal is the chairman of the House committee that writes the tax code, and also a top recipient of corporate PAC cash. He decided to keep in place a system that lets billionaires and big corporations pay a lower tax rate than working people. 

So we took the fight straight to his district:

Help us expand our campaign! With your support we’ll take on Neal and other corporate Democrats standing in the way of an America that works for everyone, not billionaires, corporations, and the 1%.

But Neal isn’t the only corporate Democrat corrupting our democracy. Corporate Democrats in the House and Senate are brazenly serving their Big Pharma donors over their voters. Last week, in the House committee writing drug pricing legislation, three Democrats refused a measure to negotiate prices. Two of those members, Representatives Kurt Schrader and Scott Peters, received more than $1.7 million from Big Pharma. And just this week, Arizona Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema announced her opposition to the plan to negotiate drug prices after getting $740,000 in Big Pharma campaign cash. 

These Democrats should be ashamed. Instead, they’re banking on toxic cash from billionaire-funded groups like No Labels, executive-funded corporate PACs, and the Big Pharma industry to once again help them lie to voters and get away with contaminating our democracy at the expense of everyone else.

Had enough? Help us call them out and we’ll take action to hold them accountable.

Thank you for all you do,

-HAZMAT America 



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