Join us at CND’s Annual Conference!

It’s almost time for CND’s Conference, and we’re determined to ensure there is No New Nuclear Arms Race — this is your chance to help shape our work over the next year and elect the campaign’s leadership.

The entry into force of the UN’s nuclear ban this year was a tremendous success, but we have seen how much work there is to do to make it a reality. Between the government’s increase in nuclear warheads, the AUKUS military deal that will spread nuclear submarines to Australia, and the ramping up of a new Cold War against China, it’s vital that you have your say so that we’re in the best position to take on these challenges.

CND members’ input through our democratic structure is how we make sure our campaign is on the right track, so we can forge ahead and rid Britain of Trident and the world of nuclear weapons.

Please join CND today so you can have your say at our AGM and Policy Conference on Saturday 16 October.

Everyone is welcome to join us on the Sunday of the following week, 24 October, for the second day of the conference — open to the public. We’ll dig into the global impact of the UK’s illegal nuclear arsenal increase with Professor Paul Rogers, Vijay Prashad of the Tricontinental Institute, Colonel Ann Wright of Veterans for Peace in the US and arms expert Ruth Rohde from Germany. In the afternoon we’ll look at Britain and the TPNW, assessing the legacy of Britain’s nuclear tests and what it must do to sign up to the nuclear ban, with nuclear-free Pacific campaigner Talei Luscia Mangioni, veteran peace activist Rebecca Johnson and Alan Owen of test survivors’ group Labrats. You can register for the Sunday conference here (we’ll register you automatically if you attend the AGM.)

Together we have the power to turn the world in a more peaceful direction. Please join us!

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